Preschool fees

This is where you can find information about what a place at preschool or another educational activity will cost you in Skellefteå Municipality.

Fee cap

Skellefteå Municipality applies a fee cap. The maximum fee is decided annually based on an income ceiling decided by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The fee is based on joint monthly household income and the number of children in the household. The fee is a fixed percentage for each child: Child 1 is the youngest child, Child 2 the next youngest and so on.

Preschool fees

Children in reverse order of age

Percentage of income

Maximum monthly fee

Child 1


SEK 1783

Child 2


SEK 1189

Child 3


SEK 594

Child 4



This is based on the current income ceiling of SEK 59 440 per month.

No fees are payable when household income is SEK 20,000 or lower.
In the income bracket SEK 20,001–21,501, the household will only be charged for a maximum of 20 hours per week regardless of how long the children spend in preschool.

When you accept a place at preschool or another educational activity, you are required to submit schedules, register leave and report absences to the municipality’s Customer Services via our e-service or using a paper form.

Fees for preschool and other educational activities are based on:

  • the household’s gross monthly income;
  • the child’s or children’s scheduled hours; and
  • percentage of income, based on children with preschool/activities places.

This means that if you begin cohabiting with someone, even if they are not the child’s parent or guardian, their income will be included in household income when calculating your fees.

Shared fees

Fees can be shared between parents/guardians by notifying Customer Services, as long as both parents/guardians use the preschool or other place and agree to share the fee.

Reduction for universal preschool

A reduction of 60 hours per month for the period September–May is made for universal preschool for children between the ages of three and five. This provides a total of 525 hours of free preschool attendance each year. There is no reduction for universal preschool during June, July and August, when parents/guardians pay for all hours their child spends at preschool.

Proof of income

Proof of income shall be provided by all adults registered at the address once a year or whenever their income changes. The maximum fee will be charged to anyone failing to submit proof of income.
A reminder to submit an annual proof of income will be sent to parents/guardians by email or text message as long as contact details are available. You can update your contact details in the e-service Preschool/leisure-time centre.

Changes to income gan be notified via the e-service Preschool/leisure-time centre or using the form Income details for places at preschool, other educational activities or leisure-time centres. You will need an electronic ID to use our e-services. You can also order the form by calling 0910 73 50 00 or visiting the municipality’s Customer Services Desk.
Send the completed form to: Skellefteå Municipality, Customer Services, 931 85 Skellefteå, or leave it at the Customer Services Desk at the Town Hall, Trädgårdsgatan 6.

A new preschool fee calculation enters into force on 1 January 2021. This is based on a combination of scheduled and actual attendance.

Three preschools in the municipality have participated in a project piloting fees based on the actual number of hours of attendance. This project ended on 30 December 2020 in conjunction with the new annual fee calculation that entered into force on 1 January 2021, which now applies to all municipal preschools in Skellefteå Municipality.

Since 2016, children or guardians have registered their child’s attendance using a digital screen every time they arrive and leave preschool. From now on, this information will be combined with scheduled attendance to calculate preschool fees. The new fee-calculation model also means that fees will no longer be charged for the hours that a parent/guardian has notified that the child will be absent or on leave.

On reviewing the project, we found that more accurate schedules were submitted, helping us to plan the right staffing levels at preschools based on the total number of children. “The fact that we know which children are in attendance and when provides the basis for the child’s preschool education,” says Kerstin Steinvall, head of the municipality’s preschool department.

You can find an information video about paying for actual preschool attendance here. The new fee calculation model is based on a combination of scheduled and actual attendance.



Fees are calculated based on a combination of scheduled attendance and the actual times registered when you sign your child in and out using the digital screen.

Fees are debited from whichever is the earliest of scheduled and actual arrival.
The fee is payable until whichever is the later of scheduled and actual time of departure.

Scenario 1

Pelle is scheduled to attend between 08:00 and 16:00. His actual times of arrival and departure are registered on the digital screen at 08:15 and 15:00 respectively.
The fee is payable from 08:00, as this is the earlier of the scheduled and actual times of arrival,
until 16:00, as this is the later of the scheduled and actual times of departure. Eight hours will be payable for that day.

Table scenario 1

Scheduled attendance

Actual attendance entered on screen

Fee payable from

Fee payable until

Hours payable

In: 08:00
Out: 16:00

In: 08:15
Out: 15:00



8 hours

Scenario 2

Lisa is scheduled to attend between 08:00 and 16:00. No actual times have been registered.
No absence has been notified.
The fee is payable from 08:00, as this is the scheduled times of arrival.
The fee is payable until 16:00, as this is the scheduled time of departure. The fee is charged as no notification of absence was submitted.

Table scenario 2

Scheduled attendance

Actual attendance entered on screen

Fee payable from

Fee payable until

Hours payable

In: 08:00
Out: 16:00

In: -
Out: -



8 hours

Scenario 3

Kalle is scheduled to attend between 08:00 and 16:00. His actual times of arrival and departure are registered on the digital screen at 07:45 and 14:15 respectively.
The fee is payable from 07:45, as this is the earlier of the scheduled and actual times of arrival,
until 16:00, as this is the later of the scheduled and actual times of departure.

Table scenario 3

Scheduled attendance

Actual attendance entered on screen

Fee payable from

Fee payable until

Hours payable

In: 08:00
Out: 16:00

In: 07:45
Out: 14:15



8 hours 15 min

Scenario 4

Stina is scheduled to attend between 08:00 and 14:00. Her actual times of arrival and departure are registered on the digital screen at 08:00 and 14:15 respectively.
The fee is payable from 08:00, as this was her scheduled and actual time of arrival,
until 14:15, as this is the later of the scheduled and actual times of departure.

Table scenario 1

Scheduled attendance

Actual attendance entered on screen

Fee payable from

Fee payable until

Hours payable

In: 08:00
Out: 14:00

In: 08:00
Out: 14:15



6 hours 15 min

Just as previously, you should leave a hardcopy of your schedule at the municipality’s Customer Services Desk before month-end. Just as previously, you should register attendance when you drop-off and collect your child from preschool.

Fees are calculated in the same way as for daytime preschools. The parent/guardian is responsible for registering their child’s attendance each time they drop them off at and collect them from preschool. Fees are debited from whichever is the earliest of scheduled and actual arrival. The fee is payable until whichever is the later of scheduled and actual time of departure.

During the introductory period, you register your child’s attendance each time you drop them off at and collect them from preschool. You pay a fee for the hours they are registered as in attendance. Staff at the preschool will show you how to register attendance on the digital screen.

There is no change in how fees for leisure-time centres are calculated. You can find information on how fees for leisure-time centres are calculated here: Leisure-time centres and youth clubs External link..

The municipality wanted to study how preschool fees might look if parents/guardians were to pay for actual attendance. The municipality also wanted to find out whether children’s actual attendance times would be closer to their scheduled attendance if fees were calculated in this way. Having studied the results of the project, the Preschool and Compulsory School Committee and the Municipal Assembly have decided to introduce the new fee model at municipal preschools in Skellefteå Municipality.

The project demonstrated that parents/guardians submit more accurate schedules when the actual time of attendance affects the fees they are charged.

Children’s schedules are important to preschools as they form the basis for:
the head’s staffing plan. It helps us to make sure that we have most staff at preschools when most children are there;

  • adapting activities to the children who are in attendance at any given time; and
  • ensuring that food waste is minimised.

Accurate schedules also provide staff with greater opportunities for taking the planning time they need to develop and assure the quality of the organisation.

The previous model for preschool fees was based on two fee levels. Fees for preschool and other educational activities are based on gross monthly household income and scheduled attendance. The number of children per household with a place at a preschool/leisure-time centre affects the fee.

The new fee model is also based on gross monthly household income and the number of children per household with a place at a preschool/leisure-time centre will still affect the fee.

Fees are calculated based on a full-time attendance of 120 hours per month.

The fee is based on gross monthly household income and a combination of scheduled and actual attendance. If attendance is not registered and no notification of absence is submitted, a fee is charged for the scheduled hours of attendance. The number of children in the household with a place at a preschool/leisure-time centre also continues to affect the fee. Just as previously, a reduction is made for the universal preschool entitlement.
Rules on maximum fees apply. This means that no one pays above the national maximum fee per child, regardless of how many hours are registered on the digital screen.

The parent/guardian should submit a schedule that corresponds to the number of hours their child spends at preschool. As before, you can submit your child’s schedule via our e-service. If you do not have valid electronic ID, you can leave the schedule on the appropriate form with the municipality’s Customer Services Desk.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that they register attendance when dropping their child off at and collecting them from preschool.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify any absence on days when their child is scheduled to attend preschool but is unable to do so, for example, due to illness.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to register attendance on the screen.

If your child is scheduled to attend and no notification of absence is received, you will be charged for the scheduled hours on that day.

Unless you have notified your child’s absence, you will be charged for the scheduled hours.

It is important that the child’s parent/guardian notifies any full-day absence on the same day and/or for the following day if the child will be absent then. Report your child’s absence using the “Absence” function in the Schedule e-service. Select the option ‘Absence’ followed by ‘Notification of absence’. Select ‘Full Day’ followed by ‘Today’ or ‘Tomorrow’. Submit notification of absence.

If you do not have valid electronic ID, you can report your child’s absence by calling the municipality's Customer Services on 0910 73 50 00.

Absence from school that is reported in arrears will not be registered in the system by the e-service or Customer Services. If your child is scheduled to attend and no notification of absence has been received, you will be charged for the scheduled hours on that day. It is therefore important that you notify any full-day absence for your child for “today” or “tomorrow”.

Report your child’s absence using the “Absence” function in the Schedule e-service. Select the option ‘Absence’ followed by ‘Notification of absence’. Select ‘Full Day’ followed by ‘Today’ or ‘Tomorrow’. Submit notification of absence.

Please note that no reduction of fees will be made if you use the “Fixed-time” function.

If you do not have valid electronic ID, please call the municipality’s Customer Services on 0910 73 50 00 to notify absence.

The Schedule e-service has a function called “Schedule overview”. This provides an overview of scheduled and actual attendance registered on the digital screen.

You can view both a monthly overview and hours per day, scheduled as well as actual hours.

Remember that fees are based on a combination of scheduled and actual hours.

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