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Oliver Bohman - Kulturnatta

Oliver is a local musician who captures the melancholy of Norrland with his guitar and vocals.

A part of Kulturnatta

Oliver is a local musician who captures the melancholy of Norrland with his guitar and vocals.

Place: Pantertorget 
Time: 18:40

Kulturnatta in Skellefteå - Multiple stages, a variety of entertainment, and special offers in shops and restaurants. 
By combining culture, shopping, and dining, Kulturnatta will offer unique experiences for both new and long-time residents. It's a festive and inclusive evening that brings even more energy to the heart of Skellefteå. Don’t miss this autumn evening when Skellefteå comes alive with activity and one-of-a-kind experiences. 
Click here for more information about Kulturnatta in Skellefteå 2024. External link. 




Kontakt: Kulturnatta
Plats: Patertplatsen - Skellefteå

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