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Ostviks revyn - Toppgarv

Ostviksrevyn presents the show Toppgarv over several weekends in February. The two-act performance is filled with humor, combining songs, music, sketches, and monologues.

Ostviksrevyn presents the show Toppgarv over several weekends in February. The two-act performance is filled with humor, combining songs, music, sketches, and monologues.

The revue is carried out entirely through voluntary efforts, and all proceeds go directly to the village's associations. This means the revue financially supports the activities of the Ostvik-Östanbäck Village Association and Ostviks IK while also putting the village on the local cultural map.

Everyone involved in the revue, both on stage and behind the scenes, has ties to the villages of Ostvik and Östanbäck. It's a group of people of various ages with a shared interest and goal: to bring joy to our audience!

Refreshments during intermission are included in the ticket price. Doors open 30 minutes before the performance. Please note that the performance is in Swedish. 

Venue: Byahuset Ostvik

Welcome to the show Toppgarv!



SEK 300/ticket, coffee included in the break.


Kontakt: Per Boman
Arrangör: Ostvik, Östanbäck Byaförening
Plats: Bygatan 83 - Kåge
Telefon: 46-073-5849277

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