Dance story
Come and dance to a fairy tale with the Dance and Ballet Association.
In the world of fairy tales, like the world of dance, imagination has no limits. We are taken on a journey where we meet both storytelling and dance in a playful and joyful way. We dance our way through and discover the exciting world of picture books.
The dance story takes about 30 minutes and is mainly aimed at children aged 0-6 in the company of an adult.
Free entry NOTE! Same story and dance both times.
Friday´s at 13.00 and 14.30
7, 14 och 28 February 14 Feb Theme: Pride
14 March
Sara kulturhus, Södra foajén
Organiser: Skellefteå municipality/City library in collaboration with Skellefteå Dance and Ballet Association and Bilda Study Association
Free entrance.
Kontakt: Kultur- och biblioteksavdelningen
Arrangör: The City Library
Plats: South foyer, Sara Kulturhus
Telefon: 46-0910-736100
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