Start and run a business

Skellefteå has a long history of brave entrepreneurs who saw the potential in the region's rich natural resources and decided to take advantage of the opportunities. Even today, there is the same obvious attitude to translate ideas into action, so as to ultimately be able to realize their ideas.

Strong entrepreneurship

Skellefteå is a place where creativity and innovation are promoted - a modern and fast-growing region that attracts talented people from all over the world. Here are world-leading companies in everything from IT, electronics, electronics, security, environment and medicine, to media, film and digital communication. Manufacturing, construction, wood processing, rubber and transport are also strong industries where a lot happens. The city has changed over the years, but the ability to make room for ideas is still the foundation of business success.

You who have a challenge. You who have an idea. You who want to grow further. Read about how LTU Buniness helps students, researchers and businesses find a faster, safer path to their goals.


Senast uppdaterad:
11 October 2022