Friendship in an unexpected place
Amanda Diamant är en nybliven Skellefteåbo och skicklig copywriter vars hjärta slår extra hårt för lokala äventyr och de små glädjeämnena i livet som resor, friluftsliv, live-musik och skattjakter i second hand-butiker. Vid hennes sida finns Pamela Senn Ruminot, en språklärare med rötter från världens sydligaste land, Chile. Pamela är en passionerad utforskare och tror helhjärtat på att utbildning öppnar dörrar världen över.
Friends are the family you choose
When I moved to Skellefteå in November 2019, I worried not about finding employment, learning Swedish or overcoming the dark, cold months. You see, being from Montreal, Canada, I am used to harsh winters. And having previously lived in Denmark, Scotland and Germany, I know a thing or two about starting a new life in a foreign country and the challenges that come with being an expat. I knew that it would take some time for me to land my dream job and that it would take some practising before I would master saying ‘’sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttiosju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.’’ Truth is, what worried me most was finding a sense of community and making friends.
Two friends, one mission
Meeting my friend Pamela felt like winning the lotto. Hailing from Chile, Pamela moved to Skellefteå for work and just like me, was eager to make Skellefteå her forever home. Together, we embarked on a secret mission: to explore Skellefteå and its surrounding areas, to immerse ourselves in Swedish culture, and to actively find ways to make this place feel like home.
Truth be told, the city has changed a lot in the few short years that I have lived here. In fact, Skellefteå municipality has seen a record-breaking population growth, with over 76 000 inhabitants calling this mining town home. So what do locals enjoy most about living in Skellefteå? Since I can only speak for myself, one of the things that I enjoy most about living here is how the city truly comes to life during the summer.
"During the summer, people are sprawled across patches of grass, the river transforms into a hotspot for youths and laughter becomes the city’s official language"
Goodbye darkness, my old friend
During the summer, people are sprawled across patches of grass, the river transforms into a hotspot for youths and laughter becomes the city’s official language. Not to mention 24 hours of daylight, flea markets, summer festivals and pop-up cafés that decorate the city and its surroundings. What’s not to love?
As the city’s population has grown exponentially over the last few years, so has the selection of restaurants. Whether it be treating myself to a good Italian dish at La Cena (and to their tiramisu which deserves honourable mention), or catching the last of the summer light on Mandel’s rooftop, these are just a few summer must do’s and proof of just how lively Skellefteå is.
Being from Montreal – a metropolitan city with a rich culinary scene – I appreciate places such as Selams, where you can indulge in a mouthwatering traditional Eritrean meal which you simply cannot recreate at home (despite solid efforts). And though there is sadly no place for Pamela to indulge in Chilean cuisine (yet!); it is nice to see more variety being offered.
A real-life lifebuoy
One thing that helped propel our friendship was our shared love of coffee. Pamela and I drink copious amounts of coffee and enjoy chatting over refill after refill. It is one of our favourite ways to enjoy a city when travelling together; through café hopping and by enjoying a city’s coffee scene.
My favourite go-to places are Skråmträsk Kvarn and Munkvikens café. Stumbling upon pop-up cafés in more remote villages outside the city centre is always a pleasant surprise, as is enjoying a strong brew, homemade fika and exchanging pleasantries with the person running the café. And plus, these cosy cafés always promise an Instagram worthy photo or two!
Rich in nature
But let’s be honest, an aesthetic Instagram feed and cycling to an off-the-grid café is not why Pamela and I have decided to call Skellefteå our forever home. So why do we love living here and are self-proclaimed ambassadors for the city we live in? The answer is obvious: the unmatched nature that sets Skellefteå apart, earning a spot among the world’s greatest places, according to TIME magazine. Skellefteå’s nature embellishes the city in a way that no festival lights can and certainly no Instagram filter either. Skellefteå’s nature is the city’s heartbeat.
Our forever home
Both Pamela and I have settled down in Skellefteå and have no plans to relocate. We appreciate all seasons here, but particularly enjoy Skellefteå during the summer. Being able to enjoy all hidden gems without too many tourists and free of charge? Well that’s just an added bonus!
But what is a beautiful place without anyone to share it with? As cliché as it sounds, it is the people I have met since moving here that have made Skellefteå feel like home. Friends like Pamela who share my sense of adventure and who are just as enthusiastic about joining me on my many explorations.
/ Amanda Diamant
- Nybliven Skellefteåbo och skicklig copywriter med passion för resor, friluftsliv och live-musik.
Foto: Amanda Diamant och Visit Skellefteå