
  • Projekt Bostäder
  • Fas Planeras
  • Plats Anderstorp

Riverside homes of varying sizes

219 new rental apartments, in the form of multi-family houses and terraced houses of varying sizes, will be built on the south side of the Skellefte river. Move-in dates are scheduled to the start of 2027.

The new residential area will be built in the Anderstorp district and will consist of 221 rental apartments. The buildings will be built in different heights; the tallest buildings concisting of eight floors and a number of lower buildings consisting of six and two floors.

The area is close to the Skellefte river and Anderstorps gård, which is a listed building and therefore protected by law. The new buildings and the surronding outdoor environment will therefore be adapted and designed with respect to the existing cultural and historical built environment. Green areas, paths and play areas will also be designed to be accessible to everyone.


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