Säkerhet och IT-managment
Luleå tekniska universitet
The student gains knowledge to deal with the relationship between Security and IS/IT- Management and business strategies and how to plan for and develop information security policies and programs.
The course will introduce a number of guiding models for IS/IT strategies and IT-management. The course will also give an understanding of collaborating information systems from an inside and an outside organizational perspective. Besides this the student will also be able to understand the complex relation between planning, managing and enacting information security in different organizational contexts.
Period: 3 , v.3 2024 - v.12 2024, Ej modulsatt
Studieort: Skellefteå
Undervisning: Dagtid, 50%
- Kategori:
- Spel och IT
- Utbildningstyp:
- Universitet
- Utbildningsform:
- Platsbunden
- Utbildningens längd:
- 7,5 hp Fristående kurs
- Studietakt:
- 50%
- Startdatum:
- Datum saknas
- Sista ansökningsdatum:
- Datum saknas
- Senast uppdaterad:
- 6 december 2024