- Projekt Bostäder, Verksamheter
- Fas Genomförd
- Plats Centrala stan

The new neighborhood offers many apartments and a vibrant street life
To create a vibrant street life and vary the housing supply, Skebo built 198 rental apartments near Baldergymnasiet. The were move-in ready in the winter of 2022 and the spring of 2023.
The new Frigg block faces Nygatan in the south and Kanalgatan in the north. It consists of eight apartment buildings, each with four to six floors, as well as a high-rise building in the northwest corner that marks the entrance to the city center along Kanalgatan.
The entire block was built using wood materials and contains homes as well as new offices and commercial or public spaces gathered around a courtyard. The courtyard has green areas with space to relax and socialize. Parking is available on the ground floor under the building and courtyard. There are also plans to form a car and bicycle pool.
The local plan for the area also includes opening up traffic on Lasarettsvägen past Frigg with a roundabout towards Kanalgatan. The plan is to close the current railway crossing at Lasarettsvägen to traffic and replace the crossing with a level crossing underneath Järnvägsleden.
What's new in the project
2 November 2022
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