- Projekt Bostäder
- Fas Pågår
- Plats Centrala stan
New apartments in a pleasant urban environment
Five new high-rise buildings with around 300 apartments in total will be built between Kanalgatan and Södra Järnvägsgatan to create a more inviting city center. They will be completed in the fall of 2027.
First up is the northwest corner, on the site where the store Karamelltåget used to be. HSB is building 87 condominiums in two buildings. One building will be four stories high and the other twelve stories high. The roofs will have solar panels to contribute to the energy supply and the buildings are connected by a shared courtyard with play areas, seating areas, a pergola and a greenhouse. The building is being designed to achieve the Miljöbyggnad silver certification which means it will be built with sustainable materials and have a good sound environment and ventilation.
The Kapella block consists of several properties owned by different property owners. The municipality has drawn up a planning program for the area, as parts of the block are about to be developed. The program offers suggestions but since all the land is privately owned, it is up to the owners how they proceed. A part of the building where the gym Friskis and Svettis is located and a property on the corner of Repslagargränd/Kanalgatan are also affected.
What's new in the project
19 May 2022
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