Skelleftehamn en vacker sommardag.


Skelleftehamn en vacker sommardag.

Skelleftehamn develops

In Skelleftehamn, the connection to the sea and the river will be strengthened. We are therefore planning for more seaside housing, walking paths, swimming opportunities and for the marinas in the area to be developed into good meeting places.

An upcoming project is Port of Skellefteå, which is developing to accommodate more and larger transports to meet the needs of Skellefteå's growing business community. The railway is also central to Skelleftehamn's development and we are working to reduce the feeling that it divides the district into two parts. It should be safe to cross the tracks, there should be clear signage to green areas along the railway and it should be easier to get to the water.

In-depth master plan for Skelleftedalen

På gång i området

På gång i området

About the place Skelleftehamn

Skelleftehamn emerged as a mill town around Rönnskärsverken. The port location and industrial activities have since continued to characterize the community. Skelleftehamn is located in the easternmost part of Skelleftedalen.

The district is characterized by Skellefte å rivers meeting with the sea and the sea fjords and Skellefteälven framing the district. It is close to forests and electric light trails and in Skelleftehamn there are many walking paths and trails in scenic environments. Centrally, there is a larger park between the bathhouse and the school, Badhusparken, which was recently completed. The proximity to water and the sea, beaches, cliffs and islands has created an archipelago culture. In Skelleftehamn there are marinas at Tjuvkistan, Killingörviken and Kurjoviken, from which, among other things, tour boats go out to the archipelago. On the northern shore of Näsudden and on the islands there is a large number of holiday homes that have probably only to a small extent been converted into pure residential buildings for permanent living. Adjacent to the district is the commercial port Port of Skellefteå and an industrial port at Rönnskärsverken.

In its early parts, Skelleftehamn was created as a garden city with large plots and lush gardens. Later buildings were created as detached houses with smaller plots and a denser structure. In Skelleftehamn there is a mixture of both single-family houses and apartment buildings.

The community has well-developed commercial and public services. The railway and road 372 divide Skelleftehamn into a northern and a southern part.