Find your way around Skellefteå city
In Skellefteå you can find a lot of things to do within walking distance. Here you will find information about buses, apps, maps, and more that make your travel easier.
Skellefteåbuss operates the city traffic in Skellefteå, such as bus to the airport and hockey, school transport and transport service.
Länstrafiken is responsible for bus traffic in the county. Under the page you will find information about bus routes, timetables and prices.
- Am Taxi
0910-21 21 84
073-432 10 60
- Boss Taxi Skellefteå
0910-105 55
076-777 33 078
- Lowprice Taxi
076-824 45 13 - Skellefteå Taxi External link.
0910-17 000 - Lågpristaxi Skellefteå
0910-180 00
Do you need to rent a car?
Here you can find information about different parking options
- At Skellefteå power charging stations in the Charge & Drive network, you always charge your car with 100% renewable electricity. Download the app and charge the car! For iPhone External link, opens in new window. and Android External link, opens in new window.
- Map of charging stations External link, opens in new window.
We try to show a complete list of relevant companies when we list them here.
We do not signal a preference. If your company should be on this page, please contact us at
- Senast uppdaterad:
- 5 May 2023