Here you can be sporty, cultural or a little of each. If you need new ideas, we suggest a deep dive into our fantastic Norrland food culture. Of course, we know how to cook salmon and fresh potatoes, how to cook palt, pickle cloudberries, bake flatbread and how to best prepare moose meat. In Skellefteå, you have every opportunity to find exactly the kind of life that suits you.

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Events in Skellefteå

En pojke som hoppar med sin cykel över en stor sten.

Experience and do

Cultural experiences, libraries, swimming pools, outdoor life, fishing. Here you will find the municipality's offers around culture and leisure.

En pojke som hoppar med sin cykel över en stor sten.

Articles: Recreation & activities

Articles: Recreation & activities

  • The art of becoming part of hockey culture

    You may have noticed: Skellefteå is a place where the love for hockey, and in particular Skellefteå AIK, is great. But what's the deal? We let columnist and culture writer Per Strömbro, potentially northern Sweden's least sports-minded individual, infiltrate a match in search of answers.

  • Inclusive cup, aims to be the biggest in the world

    The first edition of the Skellefteå Floorball Cup will be held at the end of April this year. 25 different classes for women's, men's, youth, corporate and parasport teams make it the world's most inclusive floorball cup . The ambition is that it will also be the most fun and eventually also the world's largest. - The joy and that everyone can participate should permeate everything, says the initiator and cup general Jonas Fahlman. Skellefteå is currently undergoing a major social transformation with several large business establishments that are expected to attract thousands of people to the place in the coming years. Jonas hopes that the Skellefteå Floorball Cup will be another contribution to this positive development. - Skellefteå has lacked a really big sports cup and that's how the idea was born. Our goal for the first edition is 100 participating teams and we have good hopes of even surpassing that and then growing further. The vision is to eventually become the world's largest, before the Storvreta Cup, which had 520 participating teams last year, and we will already have foreign teams on the field this year," he says. The matches will be played in seven central halls and proximity is something that the organizers place great value on. - It should be easy to get to the matches. "A team from Kiruna asked how they can get between the stadiums and I said that it's walking distance no matter where they play. Being able to offer that is quite unique," says Jonas.

  • Drivecenter Arena – more than just racing

    Huge crowds, fantastic weather and victory for hometown driver Robert Dahlgren. The premiere of Midnattssolsloppet (the “Midnight Sun Race”) was exactly the success that Drivecenter Arena had hoped for, which has echoed far beyond Sweden’s borders. “With the course, we have an arena that can meet customers’ training, test, competition, and amusement needs. I’m convinced that interest will explode,” says Hans Westin.


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