I förgrunden ser man en kvinna i jeans och stickad tröja som dansar. Bakom henne står fler personer  i liknande klädsel runt en ljusprydd gran. I bakgrunden syns många människor som tittar på.
I förgrunden ser man en kvinna i jeans och stickad tröja som dansar. Bakom henne står fler personer  i liknande klädsel runt en ljusprydd gran. I bakgrunden syns många människor som tittar på.

Culture and sights

There are plenty of places and activities to discover and explore in Skellefteå municipality. Old cultural heritage is mixed with new meeting places. There are outdoor experiences in all seasons or weatherproof indoor activities. There is something for everyone here, young and old.

Explore Skellefteå's cultural life!

Local food culture. There is a rich food culture in Skellefteå and many locally producing actors. Many of them also deliver their products to the local restaurants.

Skellefteå Filmstudio. A non-profit association for film lovers that shows arthouse and independent cinema.

Music and theater for the young ones. Skellefteå's theater experiences mix local legends such as Torgny Lindgren, P.O. Enqvist and Sara Lidman with Swedish and international masterpieces. Here is the Västerbottensteatern - the entire county's main theatre. The city's music life is characterized by artistry and creativity with talented musicians who make an impression in many different genres. The cultural school (Kulturskolan) gives children and young people the chance to practice culture!

Skellefteå Dans och Balett. A vibrant and large association that offers people of all ages the opportunity to become involved in a wide variety of dance experiences. Every winter the association offers dancers the chance to become involved in its production, "Dance in the November Darkness".

Summer theater. Every summer, Västerbottensteatern moves out into the open air to give open-air theater performances. The performances are suitable for the whole family and are performed in scenic surroundings in Skellefteå.

Restaurants and nightlife. Several successful and experienced restaurateurs mix international food with regional specialties, a blend that has made Skellefteå's restaurant life exciting for all tastes. The proximity to the sea and wilderness means that both fish and venison are offered with seasonal menus. In addition to many restaurants, there is also a range of classic pubs in the city.

Cultural events in Skellefteå!

Festivals and markets

Christmas market at Nordanå. A beautiful Christmas market with a traditional and genuine Christmas atmosphere can be found at Nordanå in early December. In addition to market stalls, there are also activities and experiences for the whole family.

Harvest market in Lövånger kyrkstad. The area's growers fill the tables with goodies such as vegetables, bread, mushrooms, fish, jam and honey at the harvest market in Lövånger church town (kyrkstad).

Matturen. In the middle of the harvest month of August, farms around Bureå, Lövånger, Kåge and Burträsk open their doors to the public. The idea is that visitors will discover the fantastic range of locally produced food in the region.

Kyrkhelgen in Bonnstan. The church weekend (kyrkhelgen) is an old tradition that still lives on Bonnstan. Nowadays, the main attraction is no longer the church but the fiddlers' meeting and the artists and craftsmen who sell their works.

Burträsksvängen. In scenic surroundings, Burträsksvängen is arranged with lots of music. During the festival, concerts with bands and singers are mixed with a fiddlers' meeting, children's activities and much more.

Read more about Burträsksvängen here External link.

Trästockfestivalen. Sweden's largest music festival with free admission serves live music, performances, food and much more every summer during three wonderful days at Nordanå.

Read more about Trästockfestivalen here External link.

Berättarfestivalen. For a whole week, storytelling runs like a common thread through all the different cultural expressions: on the theater stage, in the art gallery and museum hall, on the dance floor and the music stage, in the library and the writing cabin. Skellefteå has proudly and somewhat self-assuredly proclaimed itself as the City of Narrators with the ambition to build on the area's tradition of oral and literary storytelling.

Read more about Berättarfestivalen here! External link.

The game festival Nordsken. With almost 10,000 square meters of activities, 700 computer seats and up to 20,000 participants, Nordsken is, by far, northern Scandinavia's largest gaming event. The festival attracts visitors of all ages with an interest in video games, role-playing games, card games, board games, live and E-sports.

Read more about Nordsken here! External link.

Summertime Music & life festival. A festival that was arranged for the first time in August 2021. A festival with great artists, funfair and food for the whole family.

Read more about Summertime Music & life festival External link.


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Senast uppdaterad:
31 August 2023