Art, dance, music, theater, crafts, archive and museum
Skellefteå municipality offers a rich range of cultural activities. Creativity, diversity and artistic quality are in focus. We provide space to experience different art forms and the opportunity to participate in creative activities yourself.
Skellefteå museum
Skellefteå Museum is a cultural-historical county museum and is located at Nordanå. The museum is responsible for museum activities and cultural environment protection in Skellefteå, Norsjö and Malå municipalities.
Skellefteå Museum has a county responsibility for industry and technology after 1900. Skellefteå Museum AB also includes MAN - Museum Anna Nordlander, which promotes contemporary art and art education, and Stackgrönnans boat museum.
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Museum Anna Nordlander
Museum Anna Nordlander (MAN) is a meeting place focusing on contemporary art and gender issues. Using art as a starting point, MAN wants to discuss and reflect on issues related to gender and identity. Through exhibitions, projects and an extensive educational program, MAN asks the question: Who gets to be human on whose terms?
The Folkrörelsearkivet (Popular Movements Archive) in Västerbotten is a regional cultural institution, a county archive, and a non-profit organization tasked with collecting, preserving, maintaining, making accessible, and sharing knowledge from Västerbotten's associations and popular movements in various ways.
We offer guided tours, school programs, courses, open activities for children, and lectures based on our archives.
The Företagsarkivet (Business Archive) in Västerbotten is a regional cultural institution, a county archive, and a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and making the history of Västerbotten's business community accessible.
We collect, organize, and preserve materials for research on topics such as technological development, working conditions, gender, innovations, and regional, national, and international networks between companies.
Forskarrum Nordanå
Forskarrum Nordanå is a meeting place for local historical research and storytelling, aimed at those who want to learn more about the history of the Skellefteå region.
The activities are managed by Skellefteå Museum, the Folkrörelsearkivet (Popular Movements Archive) in Västerbotten, and the Företagsarkivet (Business Archive) in Westerbotten.
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Skellefteå konsthall
Skellefteå Konsthall is responsible for Skellefteå municipalitys art activities, which consist of four main parts: exhibitions and programs, the municipalitys art collection, artistic design according to the one percent rule and the Meijer Collection.
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The Meijer collection
The Meijer Collection is an extensive and growing donation to Skellefteå Municipality by the artist Sture Meijer (born 1931) from Kåge, Skellefteå.
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Culture school
The Culture school gives children and young people the opportunity to learn, practice, and experience cultural expressions.
Visual Art - Bild - Skellefteå kommun External link.
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Skellefteå municipality has a strong dance tradition and a great interest in the development of dance as an art form. Kultur Skellefteå is constantly looking for new sources of inspiration and works actively to promote dance interest among municipal residents through the purchase and distribution of dance performances and collaboration with local cultural associations and international actors.
Culture school
The Culture school gives children and young people the opportunity to learn, practice, and experience cultural expressions.
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Other dance organizers in Sweden
Handens hus
Handens hus is located at Nordanå and is a forum for handicrafts in Skellefteå.
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Culture school
The Culture school gives children and young people the opportunity to learn, practice, and experience cultural expressions.
Music - Musik - Skellefteå kommun External link.
Musical - Musikal - Skellefteå kommun External link.
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Övriga musikatörer i Skellefteå
The theater is alive in Skellefteå! Here is the Västerbottensteatern - the countys main stage.
Västerbottensteatern in Skellefteå has been the county theater in Västerbotten since 1980. Västerbottensteatern produces theater for children, young people and adults. The shows are performed in Skellefteå, but also go on tour throughout the county.
Something that has become an appreciated tradition is the summer theater at Nordanå. In these productions, the theaters actors are mixed with amateurs.
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Cultur school
The Culture school gives children and young people the opportunity to learn, practice, and experience cultural expressions.
Theater and creative writing - Teater och kreativt skrivande - Skellefteå kommun External link.
Theater makeup and costume - Teatersmink och kostym - Skellefteå kommun External link.
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