Welcome to
Boliden community pool

Welcome to Boliden's community pool which is located at Bolidenskolan in central Boliden, three miles west of Skellefteå. It is a quiet and cozy bathhouse with a family atmosphere that offers exercise and relaxation.

Extended gym card

It is now possible to get an extended gym card. You must be at least 18 years old and already own or buy at least a half-year pass to the gym.


  • 1600 SEK for 6 months
  • 200 SEK for an extended gym card for 6 months
  • 2600 SEK for 12 months
  • 400 SEK for an extended gym card for 12 months

Opening hours with extended gym card

Monday to Sunday: 5.00-23.00 pm


We offer massage again. Contact the staff for more information.



3-9 år

10-17 år/CSN-kort



20 kr

30 kr

50 kr


200 kr

300 kr

500 kr

3-mån kort

300 kr

400 kr

600 kr

6-mån kort

450 kr

550 kr

850 kr


650 kr

750 kr

1200 kr

Lilla familjekortet: 1 vuxen 1-2 barn. 250 kr extra/barn

1400 kr

Stora familjekortet: 2 vuxna 1-2 barn. 250 kr extra/barn

2300 kr

När det är röd avgång betalar vuxna 40 kronor i entré.

Vid köp av nytt kort tillkommer en kortavgift på 50 kronor.

Priser vattengympa


Barn och studerande



60 kr

70 kr


500 kr

700 kr


1575 kr

1800 kr

Priser spinning, badpris tillkommer vid bad


Barn och studerande



50 kr

70 kr


500 kr

700 kr


1500 kr






Priser varierar mellan badhusen

Priser gym, badpris tillkommer vid bad





50 kr

70 kr


500 kr

700 kr

3-mån kort

700 kr

950 kr

6-mån kort

1000 kr

1400 kr


1500 kr

2200 kr

Priser massage



30 minuter

370 kr

Priser allkort


Barn och student


I Allkortet ingår all verksamhet som badhuset erbjuder, bad, gym, vattengymnastik och gruppträning.


1800 kr

2500 kr


2700 kr

3800 kr

Opening hours (some info in Swedish only)

Opening hours (some info in Swedish only)

Alla lunchsim (måndag, tisdag och onsdag) är röd avgång.

In order to become safe in the water and learn to swim, it is important to start in time with water habits. To get water habit as a child, it is best to spend time in the water with someone you feel safe with.
Therefore, we have chosen to have our children's pool open extra times during weekdays to give families with children an opportunity to spend more time in the water together.

Opening hours of the children's pool
DaytimeTime of day
Tuesday10.30-12.30, 15.00-18.30
Wednesday10.30-12.30, 15.00-19.00

Our pools

The large pool is 16.5 meters long and 8 meters wide. Suitable for both recreational swimming and water play. There is also a lift to the pool.

The children's pool is 3x3 meters and 35 cm deep with a small slide. Perfect for play for the little ones.

It is always possible to borrow floating rings, toys, trampoline, slide, jumping mat, rope or puzzles. Ask the staff and we will help you.

Sauna, gym

There is a sauna in each changing room. Perfect for relaxation.

Our gym is small but functional with most exercise equipment.

You must be 13 years old to work out in our gyms. This applies in the company of a parent or guardian.

The premises open when the sauna and gym open.

Group training

We offer group training both in the pool and in the gym.

Here is the weekly schedule of the training sessions we offer.

Do you have questions about the training sessions or want to book a bike for spinning? Call us at: 0910 - 58 08 18

Suspension of all training sessions, except for circle training on Sunday, during week 15.

The daySession/type of trainingTime of day
MondaySpinning (registration)18.00-18.30

Water-tabata core (drop-in)18.30-19.15
TuesdayWater gym (drop-in)18.30-19.15
WednesdayCore (drop-in)17.45-18.15

Water tabata (drop-in)18.30-19.15
ThursdayWater gym (drop-in)10.00-10.45
SundayCircuit training (drop-in)18.00-19.00

Changing rooms

Boliden's bathhouse has accessible changing rooms with showers and shower chairs. There are also gender-neutral changing rooms.

Rent the bath or party room

Rent a pool, shower/sauna for SEK 600 per hour + SEK 15 per person, double fee on major weekends.
Rent only a shower/sauna for SEK 600 for four hours.

Rent the party room for SEK 250/h without equipment or SEK 350/h with equipment (bicycles, stepboards, etc.)
Tables and chairs are available.

Information about monthly passes

All monthly cards (both gym and swimming cards) are automatically extended with the time we have been closed.

If you do not want to start using your card now when we open, you must freeze your card yourself. Contact your facility.


Right now we do not perform massages.


We sell coffee, sweets and simple food. There are also places to sit and have coffee if you bring your own coffee.

Remember to swim fresh

Always wash yourself properly before entering the pool. Leave dirt and hair in the shower instead of the pool. This creates a better air and water environment for everyone in the bathhouse.

The less contaminants we have in the water, the less chlorine needs to be added.

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