Welcome to Burträsk community pool!

Welcome to Burträsk community pool. We work to enrich Burträsk's leisure time. There is a 16.6 meter long swimming pool, whirlpool, children's pool, gym and renovated changing rooms.

Swim, exercise and relax in Burträsk's own leisure facility. We offer many different group training sessions, swimming schools, personal training and much more.



3-9 år

10-17 år/CSN-kort



20 kr

30 kr

50 kr


200 kr

300 kr

500 kr

3-mån kort

300 kr

400 kr

600 kr

6-mån kort

450 kr

550 kr

850 kr


650 kr

750 kr

1200 kr

Lilla familjekortet: 1 vuxen 1-2 barn. 3-9 år 150 kr, 10-17 år 250 kr extra/barn

1400 kr

Stora familjekortet: 2 vuxna 1-2 barn. 3-9 år 150 kr, 10-17 år 250 kr extra/barn

2300 kr

När det är röd avgång betalar vuxna 40 kronor i entré.

Vid köp av nytt kort tillkommer en kortavgift på 50 kronor.

Priser vattengympa


Barn och studerande



60 kr

70 kr


500 kr

700 kr


1575 kr

1800 kr

Prices gym, bathing price added for swimming
One-time training50 SEK70 kr
12 cards500 SEK700 SEK
3-month card750 kr1000 SEK
6-month card1100 SEK1500 SEK
Annual card1900 SEK2600 SEK
Priser allkort


Barn och student


I Allkortet ingår all verksamhet som badhuset erbjuder, bad, gym, vattengymnastik och gruppträning.


1800 kr

2500 kr


2700 kr

3800 kr

The Kompiskort

A Kompiskort makes it easier for people with disabilities to take part in Skellefteå's cultural, sports and leisure activities.

Opening hours and contact details

Opening hours and contact details

Telephone number 0914-10259

Under badtider är bassängen delad för lek och motionssim.

Motionssim är det endast simning som gäller.

Röd avgång (10 kronor billigare) tisdagar 11.00-13.00

OBS! Bastu och dusch öppnar samtidigt som gymmet och är öppet 30 minuter efter gymmets stängning. Kassan stänger samma tid som gymmet.

Röd avgång (10 kronor billigare) onsdagar 11.00-15.00

Water training

Water training times
Mondays 19:30-20:15Aqua Core
Wednesdays 12:00-12:30Water senior (red departure)
Wednesdays 15:45-16:30Aqua Medium

Group training

Visit bokadirekt.se to see our different group sessions and book your time.

Information on tags

What is a tag and what does it mean to be responsible for a tag?

A tag is a function in your gym card that you as a customer can choose to add. this allows you to enter our gym during the times we are closed. That is, you train at unmanned times. So the opportunity to gym with us goes every day all year round between 05:00-23:00.

Of course, it is a great responsibility to own a tag, so when purchasing, you must read and sign an agreement about what applies when you train during unmanned time.


Activating your tag costs 100:- per quarter:

3 months 100: -

6 months 200:-

9 months 300:-

12 months 400:-

Age: from 18 years you can buy a tag.

News spring and summer 2023

In the month of May we will close Sundays; both gym and swimming hall - from week 18. The swimming pool will be closed as usual on Wednesdays.

v.23 we go into summer time. The opening hours will then be Monday - Wednesday and Friday. More information about the opening hours will come.

Contact 0914-10259

  • From the age of 13 you can train in the gym. This applies in the company of a parent or guardian.
  • From the age of 15 you can train on your own
  • From the age of 18 you can buy a tag

Screen ban in our bathing houses from April 1, 2020

The goal of the screen ban is to achieve a safer and more secure bathing environment, to create a more pleasant and fun bathing experience where all visitors are more present.

The screen ban is also a safeguard to ensure that our visitors do not have to be photographed in a way that violates their privacy
The new rules will apply in changing rooms, showers and the bathing environment.

Shower before you enter the pool

Leave dirt and hair in the shower instead of the swimming pool. If you do so the pool will stay clean and it helps us to reduce polluted water.

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