Concerns for well-being of a child or adult
You can submit a report of concern to social services if you are concerned for the well-being of a child, young person or adult. You do not need any proof. It is sufficient that you suspect that something is wrong.
When should you submit a report of concern?
When, for example, you suspect physical or psychological abuse, substance abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, self-harm behaviour or that a parent or guardian is incapable of taking care of their child or meeting their needs.
You may make a report of concern to social services as a private citizen or in your professional capacity. As a private citizen, you may choose to remain anonymous; however, this may make it more difficult for social services to investigate the matter.
As a private citizen, you are not entitled to know how social services investigates the case nor what measures are taken.
All reports of concern will be treated as urgent.
Is the situation an emergency? Always call 112 if the situation is an emergency that presents a danger to life. You can still submit a report of concern to social services after you have made the call.
If you are unsure how serious the situation is, call social services and ask to speak to a social worker. You can reach social services via the switchboard on 0910 73 50 00 (key selection 1). It would be helpful if you submitted a digital report of concern before you call.
Reporting concern in a professional capacity
Certain professions have a legal duty to report concerns. This means that they must immediately report to social services if they know or suspect that a child or young person is being abused.
This legal obligation applies to healthcare professionals and staff working in schools and preschools, social services, the police and prison and probation services. It also applies to others who work with children and young people in a professional capacity, such as youth workers.
If you report concern in a professional capacity, you must give your name and place of work. Further information on the duty to report can be found in Chapter 14 of the Swedish Social Services Act (SFS 2001:453). Link to an external website in Swedish. External link.
When you submit a report of concern to social services in your professional capacity, you will usually be entitled to know if social services decides to launch an investigation, or if an investigation is already ongoing.
Ideally, you should use our e-service to ensure quick and easy case management.
What happens when the Social Services Department receives a report of concern?
Social services deals with all reports of concern as a matter of urgency. If necessary, social services will launch an investigation. A social worker will then meet with the person or family to whom the report relates in order to jointly review their situation.
If you are concerned for a child or young person’s wellbeing
It is always an adult’s responsibility to pay attention and act when a child signals that she or he is suffering mentally or physically. If you are concerned, you should first attempt to speak to the child to try and understand a bit more about what is troubling them. Show that you see them, that you care and that you want to help.
Other ways to make a report
The quickest, safest and best way to submit a report of concern is via the municipality’s e-service. If required, Customer Services can help you to submit a report. Call 0910 73 50 00 (key selection 1).
You can also complete a form and send it to the address on the form, or leave it with Skellefteå Municipality’s Customer Services Desk:
Report of concern for a child's welfare (pdf in Swedish) , 101.1 kB.