Emergency warning, Important Public Announcement
You need to be able to receive alerts, news and important information from the authorities. The VMA (Important Public Announcements) alert system allows you to receive emergency alerts, aircraft alerts and 'the danger is over' alerts.
The alert system is also used in the event of major accidents and other serious incidents, as well as disruptions to essential public services. When the public needs to be alerted immediately, the Important Public Announcements alert is used.
You can be alerted in a number of different ways, including
- Apps: Krisinformation.se, SR Play or the SOS alarm app 112.
- Via TV, Swedish Radio and P4 Västerbotten.
- In some cases by voice message to landline phones in the affected areas.
- By text message to mobile phones in the affected areas (the phone mast you are connected to).
- The outdoor warning "Hesa Fredrik", where available. In the geographical area of Skellefteå Municipality, the signal can be heard in Skellefteå town centre, Boliden, Skelleftehamn, Örviken and Ursviken.
Information about Important Public Announcements is primarily broadcast in Swedish. This means that information in English will initially be limited. Use translation tools to keep updated on information and directions from authorities.
See also Shelters
What does the signal sound like?
The signals sound in different ways.
Important Announcement
7 second signal with 14 second pause. Repeats 6 times.
Air-raid Warning
Sounds in bursts: 2 second signal with 2 second pause for 1 minute.
Emergency Alert
30 second signal with 15 second pause for 5 minutes.
Danger Over, All Clear
One long tone for 30 seconds.
What should you do when the signal is heard?
VMA, Important Public Announcement
Move indoors. Close windows, doors and if possible ventilation. Listen to Swedish Radio P4 for further information.
Emergency alert
Move indoors. Listen to Swedish Radio P4. Emergency alert means that the whole country is on high alert. If you are a conscript or a civilian, you must go immediately to the place you have been told in your wartime deployment order. If you are stationed at your place of work, you must follow your employer's instructions.
Air raid warnings
Go immediately to the nearest shelter, cellar or other protected place. You will be better protected indoors than outdoors, especially in a room without windows. Take your radio with you. When you hear 'Danger over' on Swedish Radio P4, you can leave your shelter.
See also Shelters
Test of VMA warning for Important Public Announcements
On the first (none-holiday) Monday of March, June, September and December at 15:00, the outdoor warning for Important Public Announcements will be tested. The signal sounds continuously for seven seconds, followed by fourteen seconds of silence. The signal test lasts for at least two minutes. When you hear the test signal, all you have to do is remember what it sounds like.
Test of VMA warning for Important Public Announcements (SOS Alarm) External link.
Where can I hear the signal?
The use of the signal is restricted to the specific area where the public is deemed to be in danger. In the municipality of Skellefteå there are outdoor warning systems covering the urban areas of Skellefteå, Boliden, Skelleftehamn, Örviken and Ursviken.
The outdoor alarm system is only one part of the overall emergency system. Text messages, radio, TV and digital channels are important information channels for the authorities.
For more information on the emergency warning, follow this link:
Krisinformation.se (Emergency information from Swedish authorities) External link.
113 13 is Sweden's information number for major emergencies and crises. You can call 113 13 to get and give information, and the number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The number is designed to reduce the burden on the emergency number 112 during major incidents.
Here are some examples of what you can get answers to on 113 13:
- There has been a emergency signal where I live, is it ok to go out?
- The drinking water tastes bad, can I drink it?
- I smell smoke but I don't see a fire, is something happening in my area?
- There are long queues on the motorway, no one is going anywhere, has something serious happened?
- I heard on the news about a big explosion near us, should I stay inside?