Price list for facilities, halls and stages

Price list for Skellefteå municipality's facilities, halls and stages.
All stated prices are including VAT.

If you use a mobile phone, you may need to scroll to the side of the tables.


Number of seats: 425 of which 4 are wheelchair accessible

Price list

Organizations2 400 SEK4 800 SEK
Companies / individuals28 500 SEK28 500 SEK


Number of seats: 530

Price list

Associations2 400 SEK4 800 SEK
Companies / individuals28 500 SEK28 500 SEK

Nordanå Black box (formerly Hallen)

Number of seats: 150 standing or 100 sitting

Price list

Half day (day or evening)Full day
Associations1 050 SEK1 600 SEK
Companies / individuals4 000 SEK6 000 SEK

Other price list

Other price list

Price list
Cleaning costs for public events - internal/association625 SEK
Cleaning costs for public events - other1875 SEK
Sound/lighting technician service (charged per hour or part thereof)625 SEK / hour

Larger events - according to offer.

Sports arenas

ArenaNumber of seats at eventsPrice of
Balderhallen1500 piecesAccording to offer
Edda Hall1100 piecesAccording to offer
Norrvalla ballroomx (only chairs on floor)According to offer
Skellefteå Kraft ArenaApproximately 4700 piecesAccording to offer

The Nordanå area

Nordanå area

Green area - western part500 SEK / day
Green area - eastern part500 SEK / day
Outdoor dance floor (Snäckan)150 SEK / hour
Larger events - whole areaAccording to offer

Circus (only on the gravel field of the Singing Valley)

Circus (only on the gravel field of the Singing Valley)

Price for
Singing valley gravel field4000 SEK / day

Vitberg area

Vitberg area - Ski stadium

Price of
Vitberg area - Ski stadiumAccording to offer

Overnight accommodation can only be booked in a limited number of schools where the premises are approved by the emergency services. The cost is 300 SEK/room per night, in addition to this there is also a cleaning fee of 625 SEK.

Good to know

  • Only associations may book premises for camps/overnight stays.
  • For overnight stays in classrooms, it is not recommended to have more than 20 people per room.
  • When booking a school restaurant in connection with an overnight stay, see the price list for the relevant object.


AssociationPrivate / company
Eddahallen's conference
Number of seats: 32 in the training section and 14 at a large conference table.
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Skellefteå Kraft Arena's conference (press room)
Number of seats: 20
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day
250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Nordanå - auditorium
Number of seats: 66
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Anderstorpgymnasiet - blue hall
Number of seats: 51 fixed chairs + 30 loose chairs
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Byskeskolans aula (dining room)
Number of seats: 140
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Floraskolans forum hall
Number of seats: 150
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Lejonström School auditorium
Number of seats: 160
125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
Meeting places125 SEK / hour or 625 SEK for a full day250 SEK / hour or 1250 SEK for a full day
School restaurants375 SEK / occasion375 SEK / occasion


Good to know:

  • Conference rooms and lecture halls are technically equipped for meetings and lectures
  • Audio-visual equipment in school restaurants varies. Contact us for more information

Training facilities

Home economics100 SEK / hour
Theory room100 SEK / hour

Good to know:

  • The home economics rooms can only be booked by study associations.
  • Picture rooms, wood and textile workshops are not possible to book for training.

Training rates for athletics arenas (Price per hour)

Company, association from another municipalityPrivate customer & associationAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school
Norrvalla Athletics Arena1600 SEK1200 SEK70 SEK160 SEK160 SEK
Florahallen Athletics hall2000 SEK1000 SEK173 SEK338 SEK338 SEK
> Zone 1550 SEK250 SEK60 SEK130 SEK130 SEK
> Zone 2 (entire area)750 SEK450 SEK70 SEK160 SEK160 SEK
> Zone 2 (shared area)550 SEK250 SEK53 SEK120 SEK120 SEK
> Zone 3550 SEK250 SEK50 SEK80 SEK80 SEK
> Zone 4550 SEK250 SEK50 SEK80 SEKSEK 80

Karta över FlorahallenZoom image
Competition tariffs for athletics venues

Norrvalla Athletics ArenaCup / competition300 SEK / hour
FlorahallenCup / competition350 SEK / hour youth
500 SEK / hour senior

Training rates Skellefteå ski stadium (price per hour)

Association youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school for childrenAssociation sports school for adults
Pre-season rate (snow period) up to and including December 15.210 SEK330 SEK330 SEK750 SEK
December 16 onwards105 SEK195 SEK195 SEK750 SEK
Skellefteå ski stadium competition fee
Level of competitionprice
Youth competition1000 SEK / occasion
Competition senior2500 SEK / occasion
  • Any additional labor costs in connection with the competition will be charged per hour.
  • Larger competition against quote
  • Companies and associations from other municipalities according to offer

Training rates Vitbergsbacken (price per hour)
Association youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school for childrenAssociation sports school for adults
105 SEK195 SEK195 SEK750 SEK
Competition fee for Vitbergsbacken
Level of competitionprice
Competition youth1000 SEK / occasion
Competition senior2500 SEK / occasion
  • Any additional labor costs in connection with the competition will be charged per hour.
  • Larger competition against quote
  • Companies and associations from other municipalities according to offer

Rental rates Vitbergsbacken
CustomerBasic feeHourly rate
Schools and other administrations4000 SEK (+)1500 SEK
Private / company6500 SEK (+)2000 SEK

The basic fee refers to the labor cost for starting the slope and the hourly rate corresponds to the lift pass. Therefore, when booking, both the basic rate and the hourly rate always apply.

Training rates for artificial grass, natural grass, ball halls and gravel

Pre-season 1 October - 30 April (price per hour)

Company, association from another municipalityPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school
Artificial turf heated pitch* - full pitch1600 SEK1200 SEK210 SEK330 SEK330 SEK
Artificial turf heated pitch* - half pitch1200 SEK1000 SEK160 SEK250 SEK-
Artificial turf - full field1000 SEK750 SEK70 SEK160 SEK160 SEK
Artificial turf - half courtSEK 750500 SEK55 SEK120 SEK-

*applies only to Elektrolux Home Arena and Guldvallen

May 1 to September 30 (price per hour)

Company, association from another municipalityPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school
Artificial turf - full court1000 SEK750 SEK70 SEK160 SEK160 SEK
Artificial turf - half field750 SEK550 SEK55 SEK120 SEK-
Natural grass - full court1000 SEK750 SEK70 SEK160 SEL160 SEK
Natural grass - half field750 SEK550 SEK55 SEK120 SEK-
Gravel pitch800 SEK
600 SEK50 SEK110 SEK110 SEK
Ballroom - full court1000 SEK250 SEK105 SEKSEK 195195 SEK
Ballroom - shared field--80 SEK150 SEK-
The ball tent - full court1000 SEK250 SEK70 SEK160 SEK160 SEK

Match fees for artificial grass, natural grass, ball hall and the tent

Ballroom at Norrvalla
LevelPrice per hourPrice per occasion
Training match senior-400 SEK
Youth match105 SEK-
Training match junior and youth105 SEK-
Sports federation match250 SEK-
The ball tent at Skogsvallen
LevelPrice per hourPrice per session
Training match senior-350 SEK
Youth match70 SEK-
Training match junior and youth70 SEK-
Cup300 SEK-
Sports federation match250 SEK-
Pre-season 1 October - 30 April
Artificial turf heated, only Elektrolux Home Arena and Guldvallen.
LevelPrice per hourPrice per occasion
Men div 1 / Elitettan Level green-3000 SEK
Men div 2 / Women div 1 Level green-2400 SEK
Men div 3 / Women div 2 Level blue-1600 SEK
Men div 4 & lower, women div 3 & lower Level blue-1000 SEK
Training match senior Level green-2000 SEK
Training match senior Level blue-1000 SEK
Cup/competition senior400 SEK-
Junior match-1000 SEK
Junior training match-600 SEK
Youth match210 SEK-
Youth training match210 SEK-
Cup/competition youth300 SEK-
Sports federation match1200 SEK-
May 1 to September 30
Artificial turf
LevelPrice per hourPrice per session
Men div 1 / Elitettan-2400 SEK
Men div 2 / Women div 1-1500 SEK
Men div 3 / Women div 2-800 SEK
Men div 4 & lower /Women div 3 & lower-600 SEK
Training match senior-400 SEK
Junior match-200 SEK
Junior training match-200 SEK
Youth match (full court)100 SEK-
Youth training match (full court)100 SEK-
Youth match (half court)75 SEK-
Youth training match (half court)75 SEK-
Cup/competition youth300 SEK-
Sports federation match750 SEK-
Natural grass
LevelPrice per hourPrice per occasion
Men div 1 / Elitettan-2000 SEK
Men div 2 / Women div 1-1000 SEK
Men's div 3 / Women's div 2-600 SEK
Men div 4 & lower /Women div 3 & lower-400 SEK
Training match senior-400 SEK
Junior match-200 SEK
Junior training match-200 SEK
Youth match100 SEK-
Youth training match100 SEK-
Cup/competition youth300 SEK-
Sports federation match750 SEK-

Training rates for ice rink and ice rinks

November 1 - April 30 (price per hour)

Company, association from another municipalityPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior training
Skellefteå Kraft Arena A-hall1600 SEK1200 SEK105 SEK280 SEK
Ice rinks1000 SEK750 SEK105 SEK195 SEK
Pre-season July 1 - October 31 (price per hour)

Company, association from another municipalityPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior training
Skellefteå Kraft A-hall1600 SEK1200 SEK310 SEK400 SEK
Ice rinks1000 SEK750 SEK210 SEK330 SEK
Summer training (on concrete slab without ice)600 SEK500 SEK210 SEK330 SEK

Ice rinks - natural ice (price per hour)

Company, association from another municipalityPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior training
Ice rinks300 SEK225 SEK75 SEK135 SEK

Match fees for ice rink and ice rinks

Skellefteå Kraft Arena A-hall
LevelPrice per hourPrice per occasion
SHL playoffs
72 600 SEK
SHL basic series
52 600 SEK
CHL final
72,600 SEK
CHL playoffs
42 600 SEK
CHL basic series
32 600 SEK
27 600 SEK
4 500 SEK
Div 1
2 500 SEK
Div 2 and below
2 000 SEK
Training match AIK A-team
10 000 SEK
Training match senior
2 000 SEK
Junior match
650 SEK
Junior practice match
650 SEK
Youth match > pre-season300 SEK-
Match Youth > from 1 Nov105 SEK-
Training match Youth > pre-season300 SEK-
Training match Youth > from 1 Nov105 SEK-
Cup/competition300 SEK-
Sports federation match1 200 SEK-
Sports school-50 000 SEK / week
Ice rinks (all except SKA A-hall)
LevelPrice per hourPrice per session
Div 1-2000 SEK
Div 2 and below-1500 SEK
Training match senior-1000 SEK
Junior match-650 SEK
Junior training match-650 SEK
Youth match > pre-season210 SEK-
Youth match > from 1 Nov105 SEK-
Training match youth > pre-season210 SEK-
Training match youth > from 1 Nov105 SEK-
Cup/competition300 SEK-
Sports federation match750 SEK-
Sports school (Applies to SKA B and C hall)-40 000 SEK / week
Ice rink - natural ice
LevelPrice per hourPrice per session
Div 2 and below-600 SEK
Training match senior-300 SEK
Junior match-200 SEK
Junior training match-200 SEK
Youth match75 SEK-
Youth training match75 SEK-
Cup100 SEK-

Training rates for sports halls

Pre-season 1 June - 31 August (price per hour)

Companies and associations from other municipalitiesPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school
Sports hall > large (approx. 20x40m)600 SEK500 SEK210 SEK330 SEK160 SEK
Florahallen sports hall (20x40m)610 SEK510 SEK220 SEK350 SEK180 SEK
September 1 - May 31 (price per hour)

Companies and associations from other municipalitiesPrivate customers and associationsAssociation youth trainingAssociation senior trainingAssociation sports school
Sports hall > small (ca10x16 m)140 SEK105 SEK50 SEK80 SEK80 SEK
Sports hall > medium (approx. 32x16m)220 SEK165 SEK60 SEK130 SEK130 SEK
Sports hall > large (approx. 20x40m)300 SEK225 SEK70 SEK160 SEK160 SEK
Florahallen sports hall (20x40m)310 SEK235 SEK80 SEK180 SEK180 SEK
Mirror hall / dance hall140 SEK105 SEK50 SEK80 SEK80 SEK
  • Penalty fee for mismanagement 1500 SEK + cleaning cost 625 SEK / hour
  • Penalty fee for not removed floorball hoop 500 SEK.

Match fees for sports halls

Match fees
LevelPrice per hourPrice per occasion
Allsvenskan match-2500 SEK
Match div 1-1500 SEK
Match div 2-1000 SEK
Match div 3-700 SEK
Training match allsvenskan & div 1-700 SEK
Practice match div 2 & lower-500 SEK
Junior match-300 SEK
Youth match100 SEK-
Training match jun & youth100 SEK-
Cup/competition300 SEK-
Kitchen and conference
Balderhallen's kitchenIn connection with cup and competitionIncluded in the match rent
Eddahallen's kitchen and conferenceIn connection with cup and competition500 SEK
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