Flygbild över älven och Älvsbackabron
Flygbild över älven och Älvsbackabron

Transport and society


Are you parking an EU moped, applying for a disabled person's permit or have you received a parking ticket? Here you wil...

Streets and roads

Here you can read about how we keep the municipality's streets safe for traffic and what applies to the construction and...

Bus, airport and train

Getting to Skellefteå is easy. The E4 passes right by the city centre and the airport is only 15 km away. You can travel...


Strategy 2030

Everything is connected as Skellefteå changes. A lot is happening simultaneously on the journey towards becoming 90,000 ...

Skellefteå växer

What's happening here right now is unique, and you've probably seen developments in many places. Skellefteå Växer (mean...

Demand for housing and plots is high in Skellefteå municipality. Here you can find out how it is planned and what is being built.