Parking rules
General rules apply to stopping and parking vehicles. These rule apply nationwide and are not generally shown by road signs; as a motorist, it is your duty to know what they are. Local regulations are normally shown on road signs.
There are two simple main principles on which parking rules are based:
- You are not permitted to stop or park in a manner that presents a hazard.
- You are not permitted to stop or park in a manner that obstructs or inconveniences others.
Things to keep in mind
- Do not present a hazard to others when you open vehicle doors.
- You must ensure that your vehicle remains stationary when parked.
- You must ensure that no one else can use your vehicle accidently.
- You are only permitted to stop and park on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of traffic flow. You may park on either side of a one-way street as long as you do not disregard the main principles.
- Stop or park as close to the kerb as possible.
- Walk to another pay and display machine if the nearest one is out of order, or use the option to pay by SMS.
- If you park a car with trailer, you must pay for two tickets and clearly display them in your car.
- You are not permitted to park your vehicle in a manner that hinders others from getting into or out of their vehicle.
- You are not permitted to park in a manner that blocks another vehicle from driving away.
- All wheels must be within the parking space markings.
- In pedestrian and residential precincts you are only permitted to park in designated parking spaces.
- You must not park in front of a vehicle entrance to a property, or in such a way that makes it difficult to drive into or out of a property.
- You are not permitted to park on a priority road.
- You are permitted to stop and drop off passengers at a bus stop as long as you do not obstruct a bus. It is not permitted to park at a bus stop.
- You are not permitted to double park next to another vehicle stopped or parked along a road.
- You are not permitted to park beside a facility such as a container standing at the roadside.
- You may park next to a bicycle, moped or motorcycle without sidecar or an apparatus of a similar size.
- at a junction with a railway or tramline;
- in a manner that conceals road signs or traffic signals;
- on a pedestrian or bicycle crossing or a crossing pedestrian or bicycle path;
- within 10 metres of a pedestrian or bicycle crossing or a crossing pedestrian or bicycle path;
- on a motorway or expressway;
- at or within 10 metres of an intersection;
- in an underpass or tunnel;
- on or close to the crest of a hill;
- on or close to a bend in the road where visibility is limited;
- within three metres of a solid line, unless there is a broken line separating the vehicle from the solid line;
- in a cycle lane;
- on a pedestrian path;
- on a cycle path;
- in a prohibited area; or
- in a public transport lane.
If you fail to comply with the general or local parking rules, you may have to pay a parking fine and your vehicle may be towed.
You are liable to pay the parking fine whether or not you believe it has been issued correctly. Payment must be made within the stated period. You have the right to appeal until six months after the fine has been paid.
Your vehicle may be towed if, for example, you have parked:
- in a manner that obstructs traffic or causes a hazard;
- in a manner that prevents snowploughing or street cleaning;
- in a disable parking space;
- in a public transport lane;
- on a pedestrian or cycle path; or
- on a pedestrian crossing.
As the owner, you are liable for all costs associated with towing your vehicle. The police must be notified whenever a vehicle is towed so, if you suspect that your vehicle has been towed, contact the police.
Parking fines and parking charge notices
Depending on where you are parked, you will be subject to either a parking fine or a parking charge notice.
You can be fined for illegal parking on public roads.
If you believe that the fine has been incorrectly imposed, you can appeal to the police. The procedure for doing so will be stated on the parking ticket. You are always liable to pay a parking fine on time; if your appeal is successful, you will be refunded.
This procedure is regulated in the Swedish Parking Fines Act (SFS 1976:206).
Parking charge notice
A parking charge notice is issued when you are wrongly parked on private property.
If you believe that a parking charge notice is incorrect, you will need to appeal to the municipality’s parking service, HOJAB, on 08 735 29 99, Monday–Friday 08.00–17.00. You do not need to pat the parking charge while your appeal is being considered, as the charge will be deemed approved once it is paid.
These charges are regulated in the Swedish Act on Parking Charge Notices for Illegal Parking (SFS 1984:318).
Lost your parking ticket?
A reminder will be sent by post to the registered owner of the vehicle.