Income support
If you are unable to support yourself or your family, you can claim income support. When you apply for income support, you can follow the progress of your case online via your computer, smartphone or tablet. Please read the information on this page before making a claim.
Submitting a digital claim for income support
if you have electronic ID, such as BankID, you can apply for income support using our e-service. Once you have submitted your claim, you can follow its progress by logging in to our new e-service. Once logged in, you can also send and receive messages from your case officer. You can also upload documents to supplement your claim directly in the e-service.
Please note that the e-service is in Swedish.
Submit a claim for income support in English?
Then you need to use a paper form.
Click here to find paper forms in different languages.
The first time you apply for income support
The first time you apply for income support, you will need to submit various documents and supply more information than on subsequent claims.
Once you have submitted your first application, you will meet with a social worker on a regular basis. At these meetings, you can describe your life situation and finances. The social worker will assess whether you (or your family) have the right to income support based on what you tell them and what it says in your application.
You will need to submit the following documents:
New application for income support
- Your income tax declaration. Remember to include all pages of the declaration. If you can’t find your income tax declaration or have not submitted one, please contact the
Swedish Tax Agency on 0771 567 567 and ask for a copy of the declaration or a certificate stating that you have not declared your income. - Account summary from all banks where you have accounts. This shall be submitted even if you only have one account at a bank. (An account summary is a list of the accounts you have with a bank.)
- Bank statements for the past three months for all of your accounts at all
banks at which you have accounts. You also need to provide bank statements for closed accounts and
overseas accounts. - If you have stocks and/or shares, you must submit a list of these
assets covering the last three months. This also applies to closed - Any current decisions applicable to you, for example from Försäkringskassan, your unemployment benefit fund, Alfa-kassa, CSN and the Swedish Public Employment Service.
- Specifications of all income for the past three months, such as wage slips, unemployment benefit and Alfa-kassa payment slips, etc.
- A copy of your lease and current rent invoice (the entire invoice, including the
upper section). - A copy of your sublease or lodger agreement and current rent invoice (the entire invoice, including the
upper section) and receipt for your most recent rent payment. - If you are a member of a tenant-owner association or house owner: title deed, mortgage invoice including details of your mortgage, interest, repayments and monthly tenant-owner association fees.
- Proof of the expenses you wish to claim for, such as your electricity bill,
rent, home insurance, trade union fee, childcare, etc. NB! Submit all pages of the invoices. - When claiming medication expenses, submit the section of the receipt called "receptspecifikation" [prescription specification], as this shows whether the medication is subsidised under the high-cost protection scheme.
- Your current personal plan agreed with the Swedish Public Employment Service.
- Study and employer certificates if you are studying or working.
- Doctor’s certificate if you are on sick leave.
- Residence permit decision and CV report from the Swedish Migration Agency.
If you have previously claimed
If you have previously claimed income support you can submit a new application via our income support e-service. It is important that you complete all of the fields. Once you have submitted your claim, you can follow its progress by logging in to the e-service.
If you are continuing a claim for income support, you will not need to submit all of your documents again. You must be planning actively and it is your responsibility to ensure that social services is updated regarding the basis of planning. For example, you must be able to produce:
- your current personal plan agreed with the Swedish Public Employment Service office at which you are registered
as a jobseeker; - a valid doctor’s certificate if you are prevented from
seeking work due to illness; - a study certificate if you are a student and certificate of attendance if you are studying Swedish for Immigrants (SFI);
- proof of varying monthly bills you are claiming payment for, such as electricity and water;
- if there are changes to your other expenses (e.g. rent increase, new period of
home insurance), you must submit new proof; - proof of any variable income, e.g. wage slip;
- proof of medical costs you are claiming for; and
- cost proposals whenever you apply for spectacles or
dental care.
When you apply again
Once you have submitted your claim, you can follow its progress by logging in to the e-service Link to external website External link.. We will send you a message via the e-service if you need to supplement your claim with additional information.
As soon as we reach a decision on your case, you can read the decision in the e-service. We do not send decisions by post.
Advice to claimants
Gather all relevant information on your income and expenses before you start filling out the application. You must fill in all of the fields before you can submit your claim.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all of the information you provide is correct. You must be able to prove that the information is correct if we request you to do so.
You may be asked to supplement your claim with additional information, in which case you will receive a message via the e-service explaining what supplementation is required.
Need help to fill out the application form?
If you need help to fill out your claim for income support via our e-service, you can contact Skellefteå Municipality’s Customer Services on 0910-73 50 00 (press 1 for social support and welfare). You are also welcome to visit the Customer Services Desk at the Town Hall, Brinken, or speak to your case officer.
You can apply for income support once a month using the e-service. If you need to make another claim during the same month, you will need to apply on a paper form. It is important that you fill in all of the fields on the form:
Submit a claim using a paper form
For first-time claimants:
Claim for Income Support (English) , 172 kB.
Claim for Income Support (Swedish) External link.
Claim for Income Support (Arabic) External link.
Claim for Income Support (Tigrinya) External link.
Continued application for income support
Continued application for income support (English) , 155.6 kB.
Continued application for income support (Swedish) , 113.6 kB.
Continued application for income support (Arabic) , 310.2 kB.
Continued application for income support (Tigrinya) , 310.2 kB.
All fields in the form must be completed. If you fail to fill in all of the required information on the application form, your claim will be incomplete. Contact your income support case officer if you have any questions or if you would prefer to claim online.
CLAIM RELATES TO THE MONTH OF *Required information
In this box, enter the month your claim relates to. If the claim relates to other benefits, this should be stated under the heading.
If you know the name of your case officer, please write it in this box. Otherwise, write “Don’t know”.
Fill in the name, personal identity number and contact details of those applying for financial assistance. If you are married or cohabiting, include the details of the co-claimant.
CIVIL STATUS *Required information
State whether you are married, cohabiting or live alone.
IS THERE A CO-CLAIMANT? *Required information
State the name of any co-claimants under this heading. Please note that, as a rule, married couples must claim together, even if divorce proceedings have begun. Cohabitees are also required to claim together.
State your citizenship here. If you are not Swedish citizens, you must state what kind of residence permit you have. If you have a temporary residence permit, state the period of validity.
If you are not Swedish citizens, you also need to state the decision class. You will find this information in the decision you received from the Swedish Migration Agency. If you are not a Swedish citizen
you will need to submit a copy of the decision you received from the Swedish Migration Agency.
If there are children under 18 years of age or you have children who are still studying at upper-secondary school or the equivalent, check yes and state the child(ren)’s full name(s) and personal identity number(s). If
the they do not reside permanently at your address, state how many days a month they live with you.
BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS *Required information
Fill in the name of your bank. If you have accounts with more than one bank, indicate this in the box for the bank’s name. It is important that you state how many bank accounts you have. Fill in the account and clearing number for the bank account you would like
any income support you are granted paid into.
If you do not have any children, check the no box.
If you have children, state whether you have applied for maintenance support and, if so, when you submitted your claim. If you have not applied for maintenance support, state why not. If a child’s parents live together, there is no need
to apply for maintenance support.
ACCOMMODATION *Required information
Under the heading Accommodation, state the type of accommodation you live in by checking the alternative that applies to you.
You also need to state how many people live there, how many rooms you have, whose name is on the lease and how much rent you pay (not including parking, water, electricity and similar costs).
If you have applied for housing allowance, check yes and state when you submitted your claim.
If you have not applied for housing allowance, check no and state why not.
Only parents or people between 18 and 28 years of age can claim housing allowance.
THE CLAIM RELATES TO * Required information
Fill in the due dates and amounts of the expenses you are claiming income support for. Expenditure that you are not claiming for should be indicated by writing SEK 0 in the box. It is important to fill in all of the boxes under expenses. If you do not fill in all of the boxes, your claim will be incomplete.
Example: If the household’s rent is SEK 3,000/month and you do not have any electricity costs, fill in the boxes as follows:
Example of how to fill in the form | ||
Expenses | Due date | SEK |
Accommodation | 31.12.21 | 3,000 |
Electricity | 0 |
If you claim for medical expenses, including medicines, you need to state which member of the household the expenses relate to. Medical expenses are only approved if they are covered by the high-cost protection scheme.
HAVE YOU WORKED IN THE PAST YEAR? *Required information
Check this box if you have worked during the past year.
- If you have not worked during the past year, check the no box.
- If you have worked during the past year, check the yes box and write the date of your claim for unemployment insurance (A-kassa) or Alfa-kassa and the date of the decision regarding benefits. If you do not receive any remuneration from
A-kassa or Alfa-kassa, explain why.
INCOME *Required information
Fill in all of your household income over the past three months, as well as any income the household is due to receive. If the household does not have a given income, write SEK 0 in the box. It is important that you fill in the dates
of payments.
Example: The claimant has a wage paid on the 25 November, housing allowance paid on the 27 December and child allowance paid on the 27 January.
Example | |||
Type of income | Amount and date of payment | Amount and date of payment | Amount and date of payment |
Pay, after tax | SEK 8,600 25.11.17 | SEK 0 | SEK 0 |
Housing allowance | SEK 0 | SEK 2,200 27.12.17 | SEK 0 |
Child allowance | SEK 0 | SEK 0 | SEK 1,050 27.01.18 |
If there are any co-claimants, their income must also be reported. This is done in a separate table.
State whether you receive any financial assistance from another municipality. If you answer yes, state the period for which you have received assistance.
State whether any member of the household has any demands for payment from the Swedish Enforcement Authority by checking yes or no.
HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES *Required information
This is where you declare your household income over the past three months. If the household does not have a given expense, write SEK 0 in the box.
Example: This is how claimants should fill in the table.
- The claimant pays monthly rent of SEK 3,500. Invoices are due for payment on various dates: 30 November, 31 December and 31 January.
- The claimant has two electricity bills with different due dates: 29 November and 29 January.
- The claimant does not owe any trade union membership fees.
Enter table description here | |||
Type of expense | Amount and due date | Amount and due date | Amount and due date |
Accommodation | SEK 3,500, 30.11.16 | SEK 3,500, 31.12.16 | SEK 3,500, 31.01.17 |
Trade union membership fee | SEK 226, 29.11.16 | SEK 0 | SEK 216, 29.01.17 |
Electricity | SEK 0 | SEK 0 | SEK 0 |
When claiming medical expenses, you will need to state which member(s) of the household the expenses relate to and the date the expense was incurred. Generally speaking, medical expenses are only approved if they are
covered by the high-cost protection scheme.
FINANCIAL ASSETS *Required information
Funds held in bank accounts, shares, bonds, mutual funds, cash.
Check yes if you have financial assets according to the above heading. State which type(s) of assets you have and estimate the value.
Check yes if you have one or more vehicles registered in your name. State the registration number(s), year of purchase and purchase price. Check no if you do not own a vehicle.
Boats, motorcycles, mopeds, caravans, motorhomes
Check yes if you have any of the above. State the registration number(s), year of purchase, purchase price and estimated value. Check no if you do not own any of the above.
Tenant-owner apartment, house, holiday home, other real estate
Check yes if you own any of the above. Specify the property you own, the year of purchase and purchase price.
Check no if you do not own any of the above.
Artworks, jewellery or other realisable assets
Specify any of the above that you own. State the estimated value of these assets.
BUSINESS *Required information
Check yes if you are registered as a business owner, state the name of the company and the financial assets owned by the company. Check no if you do not own a company.
If there is any other information that you would like your case officer to know, write it here.
CONSENT *Required information
By signing the form you give your consent to us contacting any interested parties regarding the expenses you are claiming for in order to investigate your claim. You also consent
to the inclusion of any income from other public authorities and employers that you have not declared in your application in our calculation. If you wish to consent to us contacting any other organisations or individuals, you
can do so here. If you wish to withhold your consent to us contacting any organisation or individual, you should state this under the heading Consent.
In the case of married or cohabiting couples, both applicants must sign the form for the claim to be deemed complete. Fill in the date of signature and sign the form. By signing your claim form, you attest that the information contained therein is complete and correct. You undertake to inform Social Services income support immediately of any changes to the information. You certify that you are aware that it is a criminal offence to submit incorrect information and that to do so may result in a report of suspected benefit fraud being sent to the police and that you will be obliged to repay any financial assistance paid on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information.
All fields in the form must be completed. If you fail to fill in all of the required information on the application form, your claim will be incomplete. Contact your income support case officer if you have any questions or if you would prefer to claim online.
CLAIM RELATES TO THE MONTH OF *Required information
In this box, enter the month your claim relates to. If the claim relates to other benefits, this should be stated under the heading.
If you know the name of your case officer, please write it in this box. Otherwise, write “Don’t know”.
Fill in the name, personal identity number and contact details of those applying for financial assistance. If you are married or cohabiting, include the details of the co-claimant.
Under this heading, it is important that you write details of any changes since your last claim; for example, employment, family relationships, change of address, a child leaving home or a child living at home graduating from
upper-secondary school.
Under this heading, you need to write down any changes to your housing situation since your last claim; for example, any rent increase, change of address or new lodger. Fill in any
changes to household income. It is important to fill in any new income since your last claim, such as wages or any benefits granted by another public authority. You must also tell us if you have submitted
a benefits claim to another public authority. If there have not been any changes under a given heading, check “no”.
THE CLAIM RELATES TO * Required information
Fill in the due dates and amounts of the expenses you are claiming income support for. Expenditure that you are not claiming for should be indicated by writing SEK 0 in the box. It is important to fill in all of the boxes under expenses. If you do
not fill in all of the boxes, your claim will be incomplete.
Example: If the household’s rent is SEK 3,000/month and you do not have any electricity costs, fill in the boxes as follows:
Examples of how to fill in | ||
Expenses | Due date | SEK |
Accommodation | 31.12.17 | 3,000 |
Electricity | 0 |
If you claim for medical expenses, including medicines, you need to state which member of the household the expenses relate to. Medical expenses are only approved if they are covered by the high-cost protection scheme.
INCOME *Required information
Fill in all of your household income over the past three months, as well as any income the household is due to receive.
If the household does not have a given income, write SEK 0 in the box. It is important that you fill in the payment dates.
Example: The claimant has a wage paid on the 25 November, housing allowance paid on the 27 December and child allowance paid on the 27 January.
Examples of how to fill in | |||
Type of income | Amount and date of payment | Amount and date of payment | Amount and date of payment |
Pay, after tax | SEK 8,600 25.11.17 | SEK 0 | SEK 0 |
Housing allowance | SEK 0 | SEK 2,200 27.12.17 | SEK 0 |
Child allowance | SEK 0 | SEK 0 | SEK 1,050 27.01.18 |
If there are any co-claimants, their income must also be reported. This is done in a separate table.
State whether you receive any financial assistance from another municipality. If you answer yes, state the period for which you have received assistance.
If there is any other information that you would like your case officer to know, write it here.
CONSENT *Required information
By signing the form you give your consent to us contacting any interested parties regarding the expenses you are claiming for in order to investigate your claim. You also consent
to the inclusion of any income from other public authorities and employers that you have not declared in your application in our calculation. If you wish to consent to us contacting any other organisations or individuals, you
can do so here. If you wish to withhold your consent to us contacting any organisation or individual, you should state this under the heading Consent.
In the case of married or cohabiting couples, both applicants must sign the form for the claim to be deemed complete. Fill in the date of signature and sign the form. By signing your claim form, you attest that the information contained therein is complete and correct. You undertake to inform Social Services income support immediately of any changes to the information. You certify that you are aware that it is a criminal offence to submit incorrect information and that to do so may result in a report of suspected benefit fraud being sent to the police and that you will be obliged to repay any financial assistance paid on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information.
Appealing against our decision
If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you have the right to appeal against it. Your appeal must be in writing.
Submit your appeal to:
Social Welfare Committee
Skellefteå Municipality
931 85 Skellefteå
The Social Welfare Committee will add a comment to your appeal and forward it to the administrative court.