Applying to upper-secondary school

You will be given a username and password by your study and career counsellor at the beginning of the spring term. Your application must be submitted during February, although you can change your mind in April/May.

Entry requirements for upper-secondary programmes vary

If you are applying to a vocational programme, you will need a minimum of an E in Swedish/Swedish as a second language, English and Mathematics, as well as five other subjects.

If you are applying for a higher education preparatory programme, you will need a minimum of an E in Swedish/Swedish as a second language, English and Mathematics, as well as nine other subjects that vary depending on the programme you are applying to.

The maximum age is 19 and you must not have already completed an upper-secondary or equivalent programme.

Merit rating

Your application will be assessed based on your final grades in Year 9. Your grades will be assigned credits as follows:

E = 10 credits, D = 12.5 credits, C = 15 credits, B = 17.5 credits, A = 20 credits.

The credits for your 16 best grades will be added together to give your merit rating. If a programme receives more applications than available places, admission will be decided on merit values.

A university entrance qualification meets the general entry requirements for higher education. You can also apply to many higher vocational education programmes.

To obtain a university entrance qualification, you will need:

  • to study a programme of courses equivalent to 2,500 credits;
  • a minimum grade E (Pass) in courses equivalent to 2,250 credits;
  • a minimum grade E in Swedish/Swedish as a second language 1, 2 and 3, English 5 and 6 and Mathematics 1; and
  • a passing grade for your upper-secondary project.

Many higher education programmes also have specific entry requirements. This means that you will have to pass certain courses that are particularly relevant to the programme in question. Many of these courses will be included in your higher education preparatory programme.

If you would like to learn more you can ask your study and career counsellor or visit Link to external website in Swedish. External link, opens in new window.

All students on vocational programmes shall also be offered the opportunity to meet general entry requirements for higher education during their upper-secondary education.

If you wish to meet general entry requirements for higher education, you will need to read the additional courses Swedish/Swedish as a second language 2 and 3 and English 6. You can do this during your upper-secondary studies or later in adult education.

It should be possible for you to immediately begin working in your chosen vocation on completion of your studies. A vocational qualification also qualifies you for higher vocational education programmes.

To obtain a vocational qualification, you will need:

  • to study a programme of courses equivalent to 2,500 credits;
  • a minimum grade of E (Pass) in programme-specific subjects equivalent to 400 credits;
  • a minimum grade E (Pass) in courses equivalent to 2,250 credits;
  • a minimum grade E in Swedish/Swedish as a second language 1, English 5 and Mathematics 1; and
  • a passing grade for your upper-secondary project.

A vocational qualification meets general entry requirements for higher vocational education programmes.

All vocational programmes include a minimum of 15 weeks of learning in the workplace. Some vocational programmes can also be studied as an apprenticeship, meaning that you will spend half of the programme at one or more workplaces.

If you would like to learn more you can ask your study and career counsellor or visit Link to external website External link..

If you do not fulfil normal eligibility requirements, you will be offered a place on an introductory programme External link.. If you have any questions, please contact your study and career counsellor.

Applying to upper-secondary programmes outside your home municipality

All students retain the right to apply to programmes for which they meet eligibility requirements anywhere in Sweden. There is however a difference in terms of the primary and secondary right of admission.

Primary admission applies when you apply to:

  • a programme in your own municipality;
  • a school in another municipality when the programme you wish to study is not available in your municipality;
  • a programme at an independent upper-secondary school;
  • a programme in a municipality with which your home municipality has a cooperation agreement; or
  • a programme that recruits nationally, such as elite sporting programmes.

Secondary admission applies when to apply to:

a programme in another municipality when the same programme is offered in your home municipality or through a cooperation agreement you home municipality has entered into.

How does this affect you as an applicant?

Most municipalities accept secondary applicants. The disadvantage is two-fold:

  1. As a secondary applicant you will only be allocated a place once all qualified primary applicants have been admitted. If no places are available, you will not be admitted regardless of how good your grades are.
  2. If the school you are applying to is too far away to live at home, as a secondary applicant you are not entitled to an accommodation allowance.

If you are moving within or to another municipality

If you move within Skellefteå Municipality after you have submitted your application, you should contact your study and career counsellor or the Admissions Office in Vindeln and inform them of your new address.

If you and your family plan to move to another municipality, contact your study counsellor to obtain the correct form. Contact the Admissions Office in Vindeln and inform them of your new address.

The Admissions Office will then forward your application to your new home municipality. The earlier the Admissions Office is notified of your new address, the more secure you can feel that you will be admitted to your first-choice programme in your new home municipality.

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