When do streetlights come on?
Streetlights are activated between 5 August and 30 April. During this period, the lights are mainly switched on and off at sunset and sunrise.
Streetlights are active between 5 August and 30 April. During this period, the lights are mainly switched on and off at sunset and sunrise.
Exceptions from twilight switch control (during the winter)
Energy saving and exceptions during the winter months
- Between 22:00 and 06:00, two thirds of streetlights in urban areas are gradually switched off in a process called phased disconnection. Of the third of lights that remain in operation, we always strive to have at least one lamp lit at every junction; otherwise, approximately every third lamp will be lit.
- Lighting is switched off at night in rural areas between 23:00 and 06:00.
- There is no phased disconnection or night-time switch-off of lighting in Skellefteå city centre.
When do streetlights come on during the summer?
Streetlights are inactive from 1 May until 4 August. Under normal circumstances, all street lighting in the municipality is switched off during this period.
Rules for street lighting times
Seasonal times for street lighting
Streetlights are activated between 5 August and 30 April.
Switch-on times except in areas covered by a detailed development plan
All streetlights are switched on at sunset.
All lamps are switched off at sunrise, overriding the switch-on times stated below.
- All streetlights are turned off at 23:00 (night-time switch-off).
- All streetlights are switched on at 06:00.
Certain newly installed systems dim all lamps between 23:00 and 06:00
Switch-on times in areas covered by a detailed development plan
All streetlights are switched on at sunset.
All lamps are switched off at sunrise, overriding the switch-on times stated below.
- Two out of three streetlights are switched on between 22:00 and 23:00 (phased disconnection).
- One out of three streetlights are switched on between 23:00 and 06:00 (phased disconnection).
- All streetlights are switched on at 06:00.
Certain newly installed systems dim all lamps between 22:00 and 06:00.
Exceptions from switch-on times in areas covered by a detailed development plan
Switched on all night
- City centre
- Stämningsgården
- Sjungande dalen
- Degerbyn
- Brännan
- Prästbordet
- Norrböle
- west Älvsbacka
- Moröhöjden
- Anderstorp
- Campus
Switched off between 23:00 and 06:00
- Torsgatan east of Svedjevägen is switched off at night.
Extended lighting times for certain cycle paths night-time Friday–Saturday
- Morö Backe
- Anderstorp
Phased disconnection with regard to nigh-time lighting of pedestrian and cycling passages
- Höjdgatan, Svedjevägen, Anderstorpleden and Gymnasievägen
- Hedensbyn, Hammarängen and Degerbyn industrial estates