Education plan for International class - PreDP and Diploma Programme
Subjects in PreDP
- Artificial intelligence Level 1
- English Level 1
- History Level 1b
- Physical Education Level 1 or Modern language Level 1
- Mathematics Level 1c
- Natural sciencies Level 1b
- Social studies Level 1b
- Swedish Level 1/ Swedish as a second language Level 1
Will get the equivalent Swedish grade
Will get a grade in Math 1c
Subjects in DP during 2 years
Group 1:
Language and literature - Swedish, English or SSST
Group 2:
Language acquisition - Swedish B, English B, or Spanish ab initio (Spanish for beginners)
Group 3:
Individuals and Socities - Business and Management or Global Politics
Group 4:
Natural Science - Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Group 5:
Mathematics - Applications and Interpretations or Analysis and Approaches
Group 6:
The arts - Visual Arts or another subject from group 3 or 4
The students choose one subject from each group.
Three subjects at Standard Level (SL) 150 hrs, and three subjects at Higher Level (HL) 240 hrs
All students have the core subjects:
Theory of Knowledge (ToK) 100 hrs, CAS (creativity Activity Service) and Extended Essay
These are the current subjects offered at the school
SSST School Supported Self Tanght