Familjeteamet: Therapy and support for families with children up to 12 years of age

Familjeteamet is a centre that offers support and therapy to families, parents and children up to 12 years of age.

Guiding a child can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be a daunting one. All families with children may find themselves facing difficulties at some point and need help to change.

This is Familjeteamet:

  • Familjeteamet is an outpatient facility that offers support and therapy for families with children up to 12 years of age.
  • The centre’s aim is to work with families to identify solutions that will strengthen relationships and benefit childhood development.
  • You can apply for support via your social services case officer or via e-service.
  • Our work will be based on the assignment agreed between you and your social worker. All support is individually tailored to the needs and wishes of you and your family.

What kind of support can Familjeteamet offer?

We offer family therapy and support via a family assistant.

What issues do we address?

We often deal with relationship difficulties that arise within the family or in your parenting: difficulty attending school, trouble establishing routine in home life, arguments and conflicts, substance abuse, violence and mental illness.

How do we address these issues?

  • Our starting point is the resources available to the family. We support interaction and communication and reinforce the parental role.
  • The child’s needs are always the focal point.
  • Family assistants offer more specific, practical support in the home.
  • Meetings take place at Familjeteamets clinic or in the home. We will meet regularly, usually once a week.
  • If necessary, we will collaborate with other organisations, such as a preschool, school or the health authority, Region Västerbotten.

Group activities

Familjeteamet arranges various group activities:

Early parental support is provided in collaboration between Familjeteamet and Region Västerbotten’s Maternal and Child Health Unit. We are here to help families with infants with a particular need for support and therapy during the child’s first year.


Deeper contact and a strengthened relationship between child and parents.

Increased trust in your own parenting abilities.

Group activities

  • 4–5 parent/child couples two days a week.
  • Interaction and eye contact in day-to-day coexistence.
  • Day-to-day routines and care.
  • Discussion regarding the child’s needs and development.
  • Contact and exchanges of experience between parents in similar situations.

Interaction therapy

  • Advice and support in everyday situations and affirmation of the parent’s importance to the child.
  • Marte Meo sessions based on videotaped example situations.

Parenting discussions

  • Parents receive joint support in parenting once a week.
  • Monitoring the interaction process and childhood development.
  • Offering parents the opportunity to process issues that impact on and disrupt their relationship with their child.

Would you like your child to have the opportunity to develop and reinforce their self-esteem?

Familjeteamet arranges groups for children between 7 and 12 years of age who live or have lived in families affected by mental illness.

The children’s group:

  • has themed meetings;
  • provides knowledge of mental illness;
  • is an opportunity for the child to discover more about themselves and their abilities;
  • is an opportunity for the child to meet other children with similar experiences; and
  • plays and has fika together and generally has fun.

Our points of departure

  • Knowledge and shared experience breed new ideas and hope.
  • Parents are the most important people in a child’s life.
  • Parents want what’s best for their children.

We meet 10 times. Once a week.


Childpower is a new group activity where parents receive therapy in parallel with their children. The activity is a collaboration between Familjeteamet and the Psychiatry and Addiction Unit.

We meet 10 times. The parent group and child group both attend the first, seventh and final meetings.

The aim is to improve interaction and communication between parents and child. Both the children and parents will also have the opportunity to meet others with similar experiences that they can share with one another.

Support group for youths with mental illness in their family

If needed, a new support group will be started for youths with mental illness in their family. This will take place via Klara’s outpatient organisation.

Would you like your child to have the opportunity to develop and reinforce their self-esteem?

Familjeteamet arranges groups for children between 7 and 12 years of age who live or have lived in families affected by a parent’s addiction.

Field social workers offer groups for youths between the ages of 13 and 18 who live in or have lived in a family with addiction problems.

Children’s group

We hold themed weekly meetings for a period of 10 weeks
at which children can:

  • learn about addiction;
  • be unburdened of any guilt and responsibility;
  • discover more about themselves and their abilities;
  • meet other children with similar experiences; and
  • play and fika together and generally have fun.

Our points of departure

  • Knowledge and shared experience breed new ideas and hope.
  • Parents are the most important people in a child’s life.
  • Parents want what’s best for their children.


Childpower is another group activity attended by parents and children in parallel. Familjeteamet collaborates on the activity with the Psychiatry and Addiction Unit.

We meet 10 times. The parent group and child group both attend the first, seventh and final meetings.

The aim is to improve interaction and communication between parents and child. Both the children and parents will also have the opportunity to meet others with similar experiences that they can share with one another.

If you think that any of our group activities might benefit your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Familjeteamet for further information.

Support group for 13–18 year olds

Youths who have or have had a family member with an addiction problem are invited to join a support group arranged by our Field Social Work Unit.

Learn more about our support groups for young people here

Support group for children who have lived with domestic violence

Kvinnofrid and Familjeteamet invite children who have witnessed domestic violence to join a support group. Group activities include themed meetings, play and fika.

The aim is for the children to:

  • meet other children with similar experiences;
  • understand that it is never the child’s fault if adults hit, threaten or abuse; and
  • receive help and hope for the future.

Does your child need individual counselling to deal with a crisis?

The ABC programme consists of a series of group meetings for parents of 3–12 year olds. The meetings deal with strategies to strengthen family relationships and prevent stress and conflicts in day-to-day situations.

We address issues such as striking a balance between putting our children at the centre and creating harmony around the dinner table. How can we avoid stressful situations? How can we prevent conflict? How can we gain more time to spend with our children? As a parent, you are never alone in pondering these questions. To attend these group meetings, you will need to complete the form below:

Learn more about the ABC programme here (Link to external website in Swedish). External link.

Register for the ABC programme

Once you submit your registration you will receive a confirmation email. Register only those individuals who intent to participate in the ABC parenting support group. We will contact you with details when a place becomes available.

Upcoming ABC group meetings

Register using the form below if you would like to take part when group activities begin again. Please state which location you wish to attend. We will be in touch when the place and date are finalised.

Name of participant 1

Name of participant 2

Address of participant 1

Postcode and city/town


Email address

Write ages in numbers
I need an interpreter
I need an interpreter

Who are we?

Familjeteamet is staffed by social workers, family therapists and family assistants. We mainly work during office hours. We have a duty of confidentiality. Contact with Familjeteamet is voluntary and free of charge.

Seek support from Familjeteamet

If you need our help, you can either use the municipality’s e-service to apply for support or call the municipality’s Customer Services Desk on 0910-73 50 00, press 1 for social support and welfare.

Contact Familjeteamet

If you would like to learn more of if you need help, contact Familjeteamet. You can reach us via Customer Services on 0910-73 50 00, press 1 for social support and welfare.

Our office is located at Kanalgatan 77 in central Skellefteå.

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