Universal preschool for 3-5 year olds
Children have the right to universal preschool from the autumn term in the year in which they turn three years old. From 1 September of that year, universal preschool is free of charge. The preschool shall then offer a minimum of 525 hours per year, or 15 hours per week.
Your child’s 525 hours of preschool will be timetabled during the academic year August to June according to the plan established by the head of the preschool.
Parents/ guardians who are on parental leave, are seeking asylum or are receiving sickness benefit or an activity grant may register their child for preschool free of charge.
Parents/ guardians who are jobseekers are not entitled to register their child for free-of-charge universal preschool. This is because anyone looking for work is likely to need to increase the number of hours their child attends preschool at short notice.
Learn more about how this applies to your situation as a parent/ guardian below.
Parents/ guardians who are jobseekers, working or studying
For these children, a deduction of 60 hours per month is made during the period September–May. Children of jobseekers have the right to 15 hours a week of preschool a week throughout the year during the preschool’s opening hours. Parents/ guardians who work or study have the right to register their children for preschool based on the number of hours they work or study, including travel time.
Parents/ guardians who are on parental leave, seeking asylum or receiving sickness benefit or an activity grant
Parents/ guardians who are on parental leave, seeking asylum or receiving sickness benefit or an activity grant for a period exceeding three months can register their child for the service form free-of-charge universal preschool. This means that their child will attend preschool on the days and times decided by the head of the preschool. This will be a minimum of 525 hours per year timetabled during the academic year August to June.
Parents/ guardians who are jobseekers cannot register their children under the service form free-of-charge universal preschool. This is because anyone looking for work is likely to need to increase the number of hours their child attends preschool at short notice.