Studenter utanför Campus
Studenter utanför Campus

One city, one Campus and a whole lot of people

The dynamic melting pot we call Campus Skellefteå is a place dedicated to the future. Vibrant student life pairs with some of Sweden's highest-ranked educational programmes. Established universities, vocational programmes and the business sector are all represented here.

Extraordinary or quite ordinary

Most people who apply to Campus Skellefteå have a passion they want to express, realise, even experience. It may be something extraordinary, but it may also be quite ordinary. Like being the best in the world in PC game design or making a career change from shop attendant to nurse, without having to relocate, or recruiting people who work for global welfare. As a venue for all these strong wills, our task is to make sure that all the peripheral elements fall into place.

The jobs are in Skellefteå

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The job market is growing in Skellefteå with thousands of jobs and Sweden's lowest unemployment rate, there are attractive jobs in whatever industry you are active in!

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News on Campus

  • Rönnbäret Foundation supports sustainability research in Skellefteå

    The Rönnbäret Foundation, which aims to promote research and higher education in Skellefteå, has granted funding to a number of projects linked to Society Expo 2026 - a global event that highlights Skellefteå and explores sustainable solutions based on challenges we face. The goal of the Expo is to promote sustainable social development and showcase knowledge and tools that make an impact - both at home and abroad. Research and higher education are obviously an important part of this. That is why the theme of this year's call for proposals for the Rönnbäret is also focused on this: knowledge, methods and environments that contribute to a sustainable and attractive place. A total of SEK 1,700,000 is now being awarded for this project.

  • Chiropractic College to be established in Skellefteå: "Great job opportunities"

    Skandinaviska Kiropraktorhögskolan, which has been in Stockholm since 1983, is expanding its operations to Campus Skellefteå starting in the fall of 2024. - Now we will be closer to students who wish to train locally, which increases accessibility and gives more people the opportunity to train for a profession where the chance of a job is very high, says Gordana Gedin, Rector.

  • Career opportunities in Skellefteå ranked highest by students

    An event for competence matching between business and students was held at Campus Skellefteå, completely in line with Skellefteå coming in first place when it comes to career opportunities in the ranking "Sweden's best student cities"*. A well-attended lunch event focusing on the meeting between business and students at Campus Skellefteå as part of an expanded collaboration between the Business Office, Skellefteå municipality and SKARV - the students' organization focusing on bridging contacts between students and business .

  • Mälardalen University opens dual programs at Campus Skellefteå

    Mälardalen University is expanding its educational activities with two new programs at Campus Skellefteå - a master's in environmental technology for sustainable development and a public health program. The expansion is a direct measure to broaden the presence of the programs and respond to Skellefteå's specific needs.

  • University West wants to build the community planners of the future

    One of the novelties at Campus Skellefteå is University West introducing its three-year program Applied Urban Planning. Here, Ylva Johansson and Andrea Johansson, who will both be teaching, share their thoughts on the highly topical program and its strong potential for future urban planners. - There is a strong development in Skellefteå and we hope that the students and we as a university get an opportunity to be part of the development that is taking place, says Ylva Johansson, lecturer with a solid legal background and experience in the urban planning sector. Andrea Johansson is also a university lecturer with a professional background in urban planning, surveying, land and development and building permits. She emphasizes the geographically dispersed nature of the course. - It will be a decentralized education with several campuses involved, including Västervik, Värnamo and Skellefteå. "University West is the university that provides the program, and we have good experience of involving several actors. Every place has its own conditions, and community planning is based on the opportunities and challenges associated with the specific location. The fact that the program involves several different universities in different parts of the country will contribute valuable perspectives to the program," says Andrea. For future community planners, the program opens up a number of opportunities. Employers can be municipalities, government agencies and private companies. In addition, there is the possibility of continuing an academic career, for example, after graduation, students become eligible for several master's programs at University West. The program focuses on sustainable community planning and equips students to deal with complex issues. Especially considering how the world has changed in recent years. - One of our central challenges is to plan for sustainable societies. We face complex issues in this professional role. The focus of our education is on developing methods and competences where the ability to solve problems is central. As a community planner, you meet different target groups, so collaboration and communication are also integrated into the course, says Andrea. Ylva emphasizes that it is a profession in constant change. - You constantly face new challenges, just look at how the world is changing and how it affects the transformation of society - I'm thinking of the global situation and the climate issue, for example. You will always develop in your role as a social planner, she says.

  • Major investment by the School of Physical Education and Sports in Skellefteå

    A lot continues to happen on Campus Skellefteå - several new universities and educational actors are about to invest. The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, will establish itself from autumn 2024. GIH, known for its education in sports, physical activity and health, will offer a range of courses that include a three-year bachelor's degree in psychology with a focus on behavioral change. Two of the upcoming courses in fall 2024 are 'Leading Change' and 'Physical Activity and Brain Health in Schools'. Both of these courses will have between 20 and 30 training places and focus on sustainable change management. The psychology course is expected to start in the fall semester of 2025. It does not lead to a psychology degree but can be studied to work as a behavioral worker in HR or health care. Maria Ekblom, professor of sports science at GIH, thinks that these are suitable courses for Skellefteå and she is enthusiastic about the opportunities offered by the collaboration with Campus Skellefteå: - We strive to be a national and international player, and to do so through involvement in Skellefteå is a golden opportunity. Through our education and research, we want to positively influence the development of society, and Skellefteå is working on very important issues for our common future, especially in light of Agenda 2030. There is a huge process of change going on, and we want to be part of that transformation. It feels very relevant!

  • How Skellefteå will build the university of the future

    Skellefteå is one of Sweden's fastest growing municipalities and the region has a central role in the green transition. 14,000 new jobs are expected to be created here over the next five years, but a major challenge remains: skills supply. Can the Skellefteå Universities Alliance challenge traditional academic frameworks and multiply the number of students in higher education in Skellefteå? Northern Sweden is buzzing with activity. The green transition means great opportunities for innovation in a region with good access to renewable energy, and Skellefteå has become the focus of the world's attention. But with rapid development comes new challenges, and over 14,000 new jobs are expected to be created here in the next five years alone. At the same time, there has been no national model for rapidly increasing access to higher education in a place that has no university of its own, is a separate labor market region, and is expanding rapidly. Until now. - Skellefteå takes great responsibility in the green transition. A prerequisite for the development to continue is that we can meet the acute need for higher education on site, says Ida Lindh, strategically responsible for Campus Skellefteå. She is one of those developing the Skellefteå Universities Alliance (SUA), which will be a model for how national and international universities can offer their courses locally. The model makes it possible for more people to stay and study in Skellefteå, while creating a national test bed for academic innovation and renewal. - Extremely large establishments of new companies as a result of the green transition have meant that all social institutions must accelerate their activities. Through the Skellefteå Universities Alliance, the new needs of higher education will also be met in Skellefteå, says Peter Larsson, the government's special coordinator. Skellefteå is currently the only one of the country's 20 largest cities without its own higher education center, while there is enormous interest in the region among companies working with the green transition. Campus Skellefteå already houses education from Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology, but to meet the need for education and competence, the number of educational places and thus the educational actors need to be multiplied, says Ida Lindh. - We realized quite early on that we need to gear up and create innovative solutions to be able to meet the growing needs of the business community and the public sector in a rapid way. Previously, Skellefteås young people knew early on that you need to move if you want to get an education. Today we see that more young people want to stay, but also that the importance of lifelong learning is increasing. This requires proximity to education, and contexts that lower the thresholds. Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology are already on site at Campus Skellefteå. Now it is clear that Mälardalen University, University West, the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, the University of Gävle and Mid Sweden University are also joining SUA. - This is a win-win-win: Smarter use of the resources of Swedish higher education institutions, we reach more students with existing educational offerings and create a national and international test bed for innovation and education. At the same time, we are securing critical skills for industry and the welfare sector," says Ida Lindh.

  • Students were the winners when the Skeria Foundation granted a total of SEK 216,000.

    At the Skeria Foundation's annual distribution, which aims to stimulate activities that will increase the well-being on Campus Skellefteå and contribute to increased interest in research and education, the Student Association and its sub-sections took home a total of SEK 149,000. The rest was distributed between Sammes Foundation, Network KVIST for Women Engineers and Per Westerlund, Assistant Professor LTU. Lorents Burman who in his role as chairman of the Skeria Foundation and municipal council Skellefteå municipality handed out scholarships in the company of vice chairman Dan Magnusson and member Robert Brännström, LTU. - It is important to distribute funds in order to stimulate initiatives where students network and thrive here in Skellefteå and in the best case consider a future career here where they are really needed , says Lorents Burman . SEK 149,000 was distributed to the Student Association and its sub-sections represented by the SFCS board with the sub-sections Tafs, Kulturarna, Fusk, MIFFO, LAM, Phöseriet, Sexmästeriet, Idrottssektionen, SKRUV, and SKARV, to promote the work of the board, freshen up the interior of the student union building, develop and buy new games, arrange cultural events and work with local student culture and student life on site. The money is also used to organize student social events, arrange the Nolle period/student start-up, dishwasher and equipment in the student pub. The remaining funds went to the Sammes Foundation represented by Jörgen Markgren with the aim of arranging an educational package for the foundation's summer scholarship holders. KVIST, the network for female engineers, represented by Sarah Rönnberg, works to create activities for female engineering students in collaboration with women in business. Per Westerlund, Assistant Professor LTU was granted funds to support students' academic residence in Skellefteå and to disseminate research results. FACTS

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Student life in Skellefteå

Skellefteå offers a wide variety of activities for every taste and for everyone. There are things to do, sights to see, and attractions to experience. You can find activities for every day of the week, whether you prefer the great outdoors or staying indoors. Explore centuries-old attractions, enjoy exciting outdoor activities, and discover numerous things to do right here in Skellefteå and its surroundings.